Little Basketball Man
Okay..took some portraits of my little man. This is his first year of basketball (age 7). Let me know what you think...





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"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed intent in this series was to create a little drama...thus the heavy Rembrant light and the foreshortening. I didn't want to distort him...and hopefully didn't do that too much. I was about 6 feet up on a ladder and thought that would be sufficient to eliminate the "compressed" look but still give the drama to the picture. Why little? Well, it is his 1st year in basketball and I know there will be many years to come of him looking big...So I was hoping to make him seem small/young, but yet dramatic. I definately did not want him distorted or compressed. Any more thoughts on this?
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I do think you should consider flipping the perspective and shoot from the ground up. Not to replace these shots but to compliment them. Maybe pose him on an outdoor court so you can see the hoop in the background. Play around with the distances between him and the basket so it appears like he is really tall and imposing. Maybe something like this but make it a 3/4 length pose. It would be cool if you have him palming the ball with the ball close to the lens. I know he can't actually palm the ball but maybe you can work it in with photoshop.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Another way to achieve your "Little bb man" might be to find a gym whereby you can shoot from above the hoop (eg -- where the bleachers are above the basket. Shoot with the hoop in the foreground from directly above or slightly offset with him on the court below with a wide angle lens. Or even stand on your six foot ladder with a wide angle and have the hoop at the top of the frame while he is on the court below.
Really nice shots and I like the angle -- also agree a nice complement to the photos would be to shoot him ground up...could be a great little series. Very nice work. Fun to look at.