A few more flakes of snow from rural Michigan

The cows wandered into the scene that morning, which inspired the black and white conversion in #4.
Thanks for looking and merry christmas!

Thanks for looking and merry christmas!

Joash R
If we attend continually and promptly to the little that we can do, we shall ere long be surprised to find how little remains that we cannot do. - Samuel Butler
If we attend continually and promptly to the little that we can do, we shall ere long be surprised to find how little remains that we cannot do. - Samuel Butler
And oh yeah, the sweet pastel light is great.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Here's one without the polarizer, that I thought worked because of the lone cow on the right .... .
If we attend continually and promptly to the little that we can do, we shall ere long be surprised to find how little remains that we cannot do. - Samuel Butler
(We're about to get a blizzard here tomorrow... can't wait to take photos!
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
The Dang Gallery on DangRabbit - Follow me on Twitter or on Facebook
Leica M8: Zeiss 35mm f/2 Biogon and 50mm f/2 Planar; Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5, 50mm f/1.5 Nokton and 75mm f/2.5 Heliar
Olympus E-P1: Zuiko 14-42 and 25mm f/2.8 Pancake; Panasonic 45-200mm and 20mm f/1.7; and M-to-m4/3 adaptor
Olympus e620: Zuiko 14-54 f/2.8-3.5
If we attend continually and promptly to the little that we can do, we shall ere long be surprised to find how little remains that we cannot do. - Samuel Butler
Take Care,
Aperture Focus Photography