Flash Question

I know nothing about flashes. Perhaps, even less than nothing. Thoughts on the SB600 for portraits of friends, pets, fill in and airplanes in hangars?:dunno Is it wide enough for a 10-20mm?:scratch Camera is a D200. Thanks. Lyle
Gear: D200, G9, Sigma 10-20 f/4-5.6, Nikkor 35 f/1.8, Vivitar Series 1 28-105 f/2.8-3.8, Sigma 18-200 f/3.5-6.3
Electronic flash is a form of lighting. Control over lighting is extremely important in photography, more important than either lens or camera. Poor lighting can make even the best camera and lens produce poor images, so I can't emphasize this enough.
While all lighting doesn't have to be a particular kind, electronic flash is typically balanced with daylight. Most photographic imagers are also daylight balanced and so, cameras tend to have their best combination of sensitivity and complete color tonality and greatest dynamic range using daylight white balance.
While it's usually advantageous to avoid mixed lighting, many people find it easier to filter flash lighting than to filter the available light. Fortunately, flash illumination is also a fairly continuous spectrum, allowing for efficient filtration.
Electronic flash is also typically of fairly short duration, generally an advantage to most shooting situations.
With so much going for it you can see why electronic flash is so popular.
Questions regarding the particular techniques of lighting for the different purposes you mentioned are probably best discussed in the Technique forum, and searching that forum will yield lots of previous discussions.
Portrait lighting, for instance:
Much more: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=site:dgrin.com+%2Bdgrin+%2B%22portrait+lighting%22&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
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