A few kids and testing a watermark
My niece and nephew had a couple friends over to stay the night on Saturday, so I snapped a few pictures. I love photographing kids.
I downloaded LR/Mogrify, so I was experimenting with borders and a watermark on these. I have a few different incarnations of this watermark. I'm still up in the air of what I want my domain to be and how that would correspond with my watermark. C&C on photos and watermark appreciated.




I downloaded LR/Mogrify, so I was experimenting with borders and a watermark on these. I have a few different incarnations of this watermark. I'm still up in the air of what I want my domain to be and how that would correspond with my watermark. C&C on photos and watermark appreciated.





The water mark is a little big for my taste.
Take Care,
Aperture Focus Photography
I checked out Mogrify which looks like a great program, but couldn't get it to run properly even with the Imagemagick patch etc installed. What system are you running? (I'm on a Win vista 32 pc).
MET, really sweet shots. The first one is a bit too magenta, through.
Diva, through LR2, I've only had issues with the 'you need to exit export and come back in' when I change some mogrify settings. I've been successful with 64-bit Vista and 64-bit Win7.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
That's exactly what it does, but then it won't work when I come back in. I gave up and uninstalled it
Did you try email Timothy Ames about the plugin?
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Thanks for the honest feedback. When I went back after I processed them and looked again, I was thinking the same thing. I'll make a few adjustments on it when I get home tonight and post a revised version.
Which do you guys prefer?
I still can't get mogrify to work. I tried again since y'all seemed to find it was ok, but now it just says "can't mogrify - aborting export". I'm not sure I need borders and watermarks in LR enough to mess around with it, although if anybody stumbles on a fix for this particular issue, by all means share!
My Photostream
Here's a some from this past Saturday that I took at our family dinner. I've really been focusing on using both my camera and SB600 on full manual. I used the same preset as the others with a few minor adjustments to tweak each photo. C&C are appreciated.
1. I needed to take the fill light slider back just a smidge more on this one. I didn't really see how soft her eyes looked because of that until I saw a larger version.
2. I wish I had hit the focus right on her face versus on his, but I thought it was still sweet.
5. London Bridge turns into a dogpile.
7. I'm personally not a fan of kids playing video games this young, but I thought they looked so cute and serious playing together.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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