Paranormal flare

No artificial flare added 
1. Most of the flare that can be seen here I didn't see through the viewfinder...

2. ...and I didn't see ANY flare on the viewfinder at all when I shot this one...

Weird things happen when you shoot in haunted houses

1. Most of the flare that can be seen here I didn't see through the viewfinder...

2. ...and I didn't see ANY flare on the viewfinder at all when I shot this one...

Weird things happen when you shoot in haunted houses

I have always noticed far less flare in my viewfinder than I see in the finished shot; I guess I just never thought about these questions before...
Some years ago when I was in Gettysburg I photographed something very unusual through a window. I thought it may have been something paranormal and didn't have my reading glasses with me so I asked a friend of mine to take a closer look at through the preview. She told me whatever is was had "Olympus" written on it.
In #1, on the other hand, I did try to capture flare and moved around until I saw enough of it through the viewfinder. What I never expected was that burst of greenish "beams", I found that very cool.
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Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
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