Pocket Wizard recommendations?
Hi folks, I'm new here!
I'm considering buying a Pocket Wizard for the times when I need to use flash and I don't like on-camera flash. I shoot a lot of live music gigs and use available light 99% of the time. Some clubs are pretty badly lit and I'd like the option of trying out a strategically placed flash unit in the darker areas of the stage in certain instances to help me get some shots.
I'll be using a Canon 5D MK II and a Canon 580EX. There's so many models of the Pocket Wizard out there that I don't know where to start. Can any of you recommend one suitable with my gear set up?
Any pros & cons would be useful.
Thanks in advance.
my home: http://forsooth.smugmug.com
I'm considering buying a Pocket Wizard for the times when I need to use flash and I don't like on-camera flash. I shoot a lot of live music gigs and use available light 99% of the time. Some clubs are pretty badly lit and I'd like the option of trying out a strategically placed flash unit in the darker areas of the stage in certain instances to help me get some shots.
I'll be using a Canon 5D MK II and a Canon 580EX. There's so many models of the Pocket Wizard out there that I don't know where to start. Can any of you recommend one suitable with my gear set up?
Any pros & cons would be useful.
Thanks in advance.

my home: http://forsooth.smugmug.com
If you want other options look into Paul Buff's Cyber Commander (Alien Bees site) ..............and Paul is getting very close to what I want and need in a flash trigger with i-TTL (or just TTL)......................
You have given me even more to think about! Decisions, decisions.......
I'll leave it till after the Christmas madness is over until I venture to the stores.
I appreciate your help Art. More reading to do.
That what I am here for....to give help...even if it means more work on your end
Have a Merry Christmas and Successful New Year
I think I'll give these a chance, since I don't need to spend hundreds on transmitters, considering I am just a lighting newb, as well as it only being a hobby (a non-revenue generating hobby, most importantly!)
I will need the hotshoe adapter for my 430EX II as well. I'm hoping to add an Alien Bee or two as a holiday present to myself and then let the learning begin!
Pretty much went through the same process. Bought three PW tt5..one for my 5dMk2 and one each to fire a 430ex and a 580ex2....works awesome. No failures and the control I need...
Hey, I'm in Madison also..be glad to let you try them..
Yongnuo RF-602RX.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/echobucket/4229490286/" title="DSC_6270 by echobucket, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2526/4229490286_f8a0169033_o.jpg" width="404" height="604" alt="DSC_6270" /></a>
From this ebay seller: http://myworld.ebay.com/hkyongnuophotoequipment/
FYI: I have not experienced any interference from wireless networks as some people are concerned.
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
Troy, MI
D700/200, SB800(4), 70-200, 300 2.8 and a few more
I'm just using PII's, but I like the compatibility with my Sekonic L358 and that they're all tranceiver units.
Looking at your signature reminds me of the time they interviewed Sparky Anderson, the Detroit Tigers manager, at an All-Star game. He was seated directly behind Bo Derek of '10' fame. When asked at the end of the interview if he thought Bo Berek was a '10', he replied : " Ten? She's a solid 34!"
Troy, MI
D700/200, SB800(4), 70-200, 300 2.8 and a few more
I shoot music events too. What is it with musicians and dark places?
I use a 5d and 3x 580exII on manual with PW2+ triggers when I'm doing events.
The 580s, even on internal power, seem to keep up with the 5d's frame rate pretty well up to about 1/4 power or so; the exact recycle rate is battery dependent. I use 2200 and 2500mAh NiMH cells, and there is about a 20% difference in speed between them, with the 2500mAh units being faster. I have seen off-brand 2800 mAh cells for sale, but I haven't tried them.
NB: I shoot pretty slowly (singles and doubles, often separated by 2-3 minutes), so I can't advise on the heating issue, but I have managed to kill a 580 ($120 to fix) with off-brand batteries. Be aware.
One thing to think about is that Pocket Wizard claims the 580 (and a couple other Canon flash units) are noisy in the RF band that the PW units use for communication; and I have had range and synchronization problems, which seems to confirm their statement. It's __really__ important to get the PW antenna as far from the 580 as possible for good results. Running all but the on-camera unit on 'remote' seems to help, too.
The PW cables tend to be a little loose in the Canon PC ports. Gently distorting the outer contact and a little (VERY LITTLE) bending of the center pin makes a __much__ more reliable connection.
Remember to set the 'sleep' mode to always on (C.Fn 1 = 1) .
You may want to gel your lights for more pleasing color balance.
Also, if you can get into the venue during the sound check, try triggering your light/s from every nook and corner you can find, even if you don't expect to shoot from there; sometimes you'll find a dead spot, and it's a lot easier on your stress level to know where they are ahead of time.
I made some mounts to hold my PWs that clamp onto my light stands, which makes set-up easier and allows me to use the full extent of the PW- PC cable to separate the flash and the trigger. Pics to follow. . .
A last thought: some patrons get testy if you shoot a lot of flash-augmented shots. . . particularly in really dark venues. I have been confronted and verbally abused/threatened. It's better to kill the strobes or walk away from the remainder of the shoot than risk your person or your gear.
For fill-augment light, manual seems to give me better consistency than TTL, even from on-camera. When the flash is the primary light, TTL seems to work better, particularly if I'm in a dynamic situation. YMMV.