Motorbike racing
I went through the shots I took at the BSB from Mondello Park (original thread here: ) and found a couple that I liked.
These two are large crops:
Karl Harris

Johnathan Rea:

This is the start / finish straight at Mondello, I'm not sure if it is too wide to be a good photo, I like it because it shows the pit boards in use. It was taken from a bridge near the end of the straight btw.

Ryuichi Kiyonari, a rider for HM Plant Honda getting advice from his mechanic. It's a full size file.

Ok, if you're still reading I posted the last two because I wanted to show something different from the meeting. I took 4g of photos that day and practially all of them were the same. They showed a rider at a corner with his knee on the ground like the first two posted here.
I think that the next meeting that I phtotgraph I will take pics of the riders from one practice session. I am reasonably confident that i will get keepers from this. I want to get different types of shots after that, something like the third one here, a wide shot that, hopefully, captures a scene at a motorbike race or candids from the pits (until I get evicted by the marshalls for not having a press pass :rofl ).
When I photograph the racing I am thinking of saving my ammunition for something out of the ordinary. Two racers dicing at a corner, a crash, etc. But I don't intend to take 600+ photos of riders and bikes at the same corners that I got the day before.
I enjoyed this thread and carefully read the advice given by Andrew and Bill to Gus.
To illustrate my point I submitted the first and fifth photos from the original thread to a competition in "Bike" magazine. The fifth one:
was printed in the mag in a collage of 20 or so finalists. I thought the first one:

was the better photo:dunno but it was the same as a thousand others taken at the meeting.
If anyone agrees / disagrees with me or has advise I would be glad to hear from you?
These two are large crops:
Karl Harris

Johnathan Rea:

This is the start / finish straight at Mondello, I'm not sure if it is too wide to be a good photo, I like it because it shows the pit boards in use. It was taken from a bridge near the end of the straight btw.

Ryuichi Kiyonari, a rider for HM Plant Honda getting advice from his mechanic. It's a full size file.

Ok, if you're still reading I posted the last two because I wanted to show something different from the meeting. I took 4g of photos that day and practially all of them were the same. They showed a rider at a corner with his knee on the ground like the first two posted here.
I think that the next meeting that I phtotgraph I will take pics of the riders from one practice session. I am reasonably confident that i will get keepers from this. I want to get different types of shots after that, something like the third one here, a wide shot that, hopefully, captures a scene at a motorbike race or candids from the pits (until I get evicted by the marshalls for not having a press pass :rofl ).
When I photograph the racing I am thinking of saving my ammunition for something out of the ordinary. Two racers dicing at a corner, a crash, etc. But I don't intend to take 600+ photos of riders and bikes at the same corners that I got the day before.
I enjoyed this thread and carefully read the advice given by Andrew and Bill to Gus.
To illustrate my point I submitted the first and fifth photos from the original thread to a competition in "Bike" magazine. The fifth one:

was the better photo:dunno but it was the same as a thousand others taken at the meeting.
If anyone agrees / disagrees with me or has advise I would be glad to hear from you?
Comments (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
(Red Bull is my favorite drink)
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.
The second is another great candid of the rider reading a ticket, (made me think of a speeding ticket). The only pity is the crop of the top of the helmet. Otherwise I agree that the candids are much more interesting and quirky than the excellent last shot. So if you can get access to these shots, go for them
How hard is panning to do ???? I did it all day sunday with race cars & totally sucked at it. 20 keepers & 300 odd in the bin.
I went to Kells road race last Sunday, 1300+ shots, and 20 odd keepers so join the club
this was taken at 250, a slow corner where the bike was doing maybe 20-30 mph
as was this
For a shutter speed of 250 I have to pan smoothly and I would say one in three shots are keepers. I put the speed up when the cars are coming straight for me or going away from me.
You must have had a brilliant view of the racing from trackside. How did the 400 5.6 do at the track. I got mine last week and can't wait to try it out. The weathers a bit overcast here atm, not enough light.
post the pics?