Is smugmug up?
Have been trying to connect to my site ( for the past 30 minutes and all I receive is this message:
Internal Server Error - Read
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Reference #3.5f2503f.1261616040.0
Is it me or is there something wrong with Smuggie?
Internal Server Error - Read
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Reference #3.5f2503f.1261616040.0
Is it me or is there something wrong with Smuggie?
EDIT : nevermind, now I'm getting read-only messages.
It was up 10 minutes ago... at least for me
Must be an overload from so many people ordering emergency christmas cards. ":)
well, per the status blog, we can blame this one on Amazon :cry
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If you're in the car on the way to a gunfight you're just as guilty as the driver... unless you're a hostage of course.
Anyone for a game of pin the print on the photographer while we wait?
Read the status blog. It has to do with the infrustrat....erm, infrastructure through Amazon. It's caused problems in the past, as Andy said it may or may not be the cause this time. I know other online sites are having issues right now, so there's something out there going on.
(and I apparently have too many 'net dependent friends to know this)
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That's nuts IMHO!
Well, it is called a NET and a WEB for a reason
If you'd like to learn more, read our CEO's blog, and just plug 'amazon' into the search box there - tons of stuff on how we use Amazon to give you the best photo sharing anywhere!
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As far as why we use Amazon, there are a number of great reasons. One of the most important is that our business has gigantic peaks in traffic followed by long troughs. We get hammered Sunday night and then part of Monday as people upload photos from weekend shoots. To handle that load without Amazon, we would have to scale up immensely for it and then have those machines sitting mostly idle during large portions of the rest of the week.
With Amazon, we simply pay for the computing power when we need it and don't pay for it when we don't. At 3AM on Thursday morning we have a small fraction of the computing power that we do on Sunday night. Besides, Amazon has a better uptime for those components than we did when we handled it ourselves years ago.