Drag to arrange - videos

Site name: http://thepeas.smugmug.com
Description of problem and steps to recreate:
Under Tools > Many Photos > Arrange > Drag to arrange
Video thumbnails do not show the "play" icon overlapped on the thumbnail. This makes it so you can't differentiate between photos and videos. Typically the videos from our cameras don't have exif dates, so they get uploaded and auto-arranged and are put at the end of our photos or the beginning. So I go back in and arrange them manually where they should be with the photos.
The "play" icon overlay shows up when you go through Style > Thumbnails > Show thumbnails in a single page > then arrange. So that is how I've been doing it.
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
Browser: Firefox 3.5.6
Description of problem and steps to recreate:
Under Tools > Many Photos > Arrange > Drag to arrange
Video thumbnails do not show the "play" icon overlapped on the thumbnail. This makes it so you can't differentiate between photos and videos. Typically the videos from our cameras don't have exif dates, so they get uploaded and auto-arranged and are put at the end of our photos or the beginning. So I go back in and arrange them manually where they should be with the photos.
The "play" icon overlay shows up when you go through Style > Thumbnails > Show thumbnails in a single page > then arrange. So that is how I've been doing it.
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
Browser: Firefox 3.5.6