Astro Photography Anyone?

Has anybody ever tried their hand at Star Trails? I have always wanted to give it a go but never have. I just found a good article about it here: so if anyone has given it a go....did you succeed??
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Yeah, I've given it a go before. It can definately be tricky, but a lot of fun. I have tried many different settings for it, but basically, you want to have an exposure of about 10-15 minutes by using "Bulb mode" to get a really good star trail effect. As you can imagine, that means keeping your ISO fairly low, so you don't get a bunch of noise. Here's a couple examples of my feeble attempts:
(791 sec exposure, 200 ISO, f/5.6)
(776 sec exposure, 200 ISO, f/5.6)