#40 Cyber Tragedy: Feedback Requested Please

Sorry for the lateness...
I'm sure everyone else has been as busy as I've been the past week with last minute Christmas shopping, cooking, & visiting with relatives and such. I had all that plus a number of small things that added to the stress of the holiday--electrical problems in my daughter's bedroom, our home network that refused to recognize (consistently) one of the computers, and the biggie...a virus that killed my daughter's computer. We had to have the hard drive wiped clean & then reload all the software & her files. Argh. She was without her computer for several days while I tried to repair the damage. Sheesh.
Anyway, before we fixed the computer I snapped a few images of her "windows screen of death" as a computer tech called it. "Cyber Tragedy" the only idea I managed to get for the theme with the scarce amount of time I scraped together. I could use some feedback.
1. Color version. I really don't like the green, but this is what it looked like. Ugly in so many ways, lol.

2. Black & White version #1. Had to get away from that green, lol.

3. Black & White version #2

Any feedback is appreciated. Since I've fixed the computer now, a reshoot is not possible even if I had time.
I'm sure everyone else has been as busy as I've been the past week with last minute Christmas shopping, cooking, & visiting with relatives and such. I had all that plus a number of small things that added to the stress of the holiday--electrical problems in my daughter's bedroom, our home network that refused to recognize (consistently) one of the computers, and the biggie...a virus that killed my daughter's computer. We had to have the hard drive wiped clean & then reload all the software & her files. Argh. She was without her computer for several days while I tried to repair the damage. Sheesh.
Anyway, before we fixed the computer I snapped a few images of her "windows screen of death" as a computer tech called it. "Cyber Tragedy" the only idea I managed to get for the theme with the scarce amount of time I scraped together. I could use some feedback.
1. Color version. I really don't like the green, but this is what it looked like. Ugly in so many ways, lol.

2. Black & White version #1. Had to get away from that green, lol.

3. Black & White version #2

Any feedback is appreciated. Since I've fixed the computer now, a reshoot is not possible even if I had time.
Visit my galleries at: http://psphotos.smugmug.com/ and/or http://pollettsquaredphotography.smugmug.com
I don't think a screen shot is a strong image for a challenge.
If you could have gotten a shot of the screen with someone pounding their fist on an old keyboard,
or maybe the look of terror in their eyes while looking at the screen, a tear running down their cheek, etc.
I think you need a human element to go with the techno element.
What would the Terminator be without Sarah Connor? Just a machine.
Sorry to hear about the computer, viruses are a pain.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.