The Pittock Mansion
This has been in my back yard for almost 3 years and this is the first time I've been by it. I didn't spend much time and everything I shot was hand held. We were on a short hike and decided to go up past the mansion. It wasn't incredibly busy but I'll surely be back when there is no one there and the sky is a little less gloomy. It's an incredibly beautiful place. I know these aren't great but I figured I'd share.
Also, a shame they had some repairs in process hence the caution tape and metal fencing. :rolleyes
As always, C&C greatly appreciated. :thumb

Also, a shame they had some repairs in process hence the caution tape and metal fencing. :rolleyes
As always, C&C greatly appreciated. :thumb

Matt :thumb
I like your B&W version. It suits the subject well.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Website / Flickr