BIF in N. California

I live near Sacramento and would like to know about BIF places from Bodega Bay South to Monterey and East across to Tahoe..Thanks ...Rich
1Ds MkII + 1DMkII N + L's ....I can't Paint I do this
The Pt Reyes peninsula is a worthy and widely mixed photographic treasure trove, with Elk and a waterfall that empties into the Pacific.
Sorry for the ignorance, but BIF?
BIF = birds in flight
I'd recommend any of the mashes off of highway 37. Just take one of the side roads and picnic out. Lots of kestrels and harriers out there as well as water fowl.
Pt. Reyes is always a choice too, but the coast itself won't be as big of a draw. More of the Bodega Bay area and other inland waters, you'll get Osprey.
(yes yes I'm in Utah but I grew up San Anselmo
There are also several spots along the SF Bay to shoot as well.
It really depends on what you want to shoot where you go. If you dig out a AAA map, you can see the various places on the map.
Thanks, Leah.
In the Monterey Bay area: if you want birds, check out Elkhorn Slough!