Dive Bomber

Love going through old shots… you stumble across things you’ve forgotten about.
Nothing real special about this shot, other than the fun I had watching our dog get dive bombed by a Florida Mockingbird. The bird apparently had a nest nearby and did not like the dog’s presence. So whenever he was near, the bird would dive bomb him. Somehow the ball kept ending up over there…:dunno
Now they are best friends…
Nothing real special about this shot, other than the fun I had watching our dog get dive bombed by a Florida Mockingbird. The bird apparently had a nest nearby and did not like the dog’s presence. So whenever he was near, the bird would dive bomb him. Somehow the ball kept ending up over there…:dunno
Now they are best friends…

Those birds sure are territorial! Some years ago we had a cat that liked to hang out on the patio in the back yard. A couple of mockingbirds that also liked the yard used to terrorize him mercilessly.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)