Moon Light only Landscapes- Wha'd'ya think
I found myself intrigued by the unique pattern of noise which appeared within my photographic images when "shot" with my digital camera (Nikon 5700), using only low light ambient light sources (extremely low) and longer exposure times. Again I photographed my neighbors farm as the subject.
These photos have received minimal touch up in photoshop, to remove only overly bright pixels, and to adjust levels and contrast. Color differences were caused by the length of the exposure and the variation of the available ambient light, as the clouds moved over the moon, which was my primary light source and a small mercury vapor lamp above the barn, well in the distance.
I would appreciate if you would:
Please let me know what you think, and how these photos make you feel.
Looking forward to a few comments.
Towards the Fullmoon
These photos have received minimal touch up in photoshop, to remove only overly bright pixels, and to adjust levels and contrast. Color differences were caused by the length of the exposure and the variation of the available ambient light, as the clouds moved over the moon, which was my primary light source and a small mercury vapor lamp above the barn, well in the distance.
I would appreciate if you would:
Please let me know what you think, and how these photos make you feel.
Looking forward to a few comments.
Towards the Fullmoon
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
I agree that this technique is an interesting approach to landscape photography.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Exposure manual: 18 seconds
f: 6.3
ISO: 100
metering: spot
light source: ambient Moonlight & Barn Merc Vapor Lamp (300 meters away)
Nikon E5700 (coolpix)
Spot metered similarly as I would for Zone photography, metering the moonlight on the wheat field as "middle gray" metering the lamp on the barn for highlights, and trees as shadow, took five metered readings, compensated as best as I could with the digital, instead of Large format, not knowing exactly how the sensor would handle such a long exposure, and bracketed + & - 3. Shot off a total of 80 shots of various scenes at various exposures that night, but most are rather similar in appeal. So I only posted the few... If it were not for the pouring rain the last two nights, I would be outside right now.
Hope this helps.
Did i mention my camera has a f1.8 ?
Only once today.
Alt, have you tried playing with Noise Ninja to ride the noise levels?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Sid, I think I personally like the noise. But I've never heard of the "Noise Ninja?" Please explain?
Thanks luv.
I love noise, except at noon. Don't think it looks very appropriate in most extremely well lit landscape shots. But I love your noise, it adds to how I feel.
I feel nostalgic and jealous. That is how I feel mostly,envious, smile. I love the picture with all the noise, and also, I have no neighboring farm I want to shoot by moonlight, no tri pod, etc. And that is OK. The one other thing that strikes me is that the coloring is like it is in the shots of the Iraq war (s). Hope they don't start sending in rockets where you are. ginger
Thank You , Ginger....:sweet
Don't be jealous...
Get a tri-pod! Try e-bay. Great prices if you are careful for what you are buying!