I tried that
Never got anything I liked. Of these... this is my favorite because it shows the most road curves and the perspective is nice. Coming out of the bottom of the shot and extending into the background. I'd like it more if there were no cars in the shot. (parked car is yours?)
I know time is running out. Not sure how close you are. If you had a wide angle. Re-shooting this one standing in the middle of the hairpin (not the road:D ) with a wide angle so you can get the entire hairpin in the shot might be nice. Don't know.
But.... I actually prefer what you came up with in the "wait there's more". Just because it's unique and the colors/shots you came up with really appeal to me. (consider the source : ) The first (or the last?) only because I don't immediately look at these as for what they really are.
Never got anything I liked. Of these... this is my favorite because it shows the most road curves and the perspective is nice. Coming out of the bottom of the shot and extending into the background. I'd like it more if there were no cars in the shot. (parked car is yours?)
I know time is running out. Not sure how close you are. If you had a wide angle. Re-shooting this one standing in the middle of the hairpin (not the road:D ) with a wide angle so you can get the entire hairpin in the shot might be nice. Don't know.
But.... I actually prefer what you came up with in the "wait there's more". Just because it's unique and the colors/shots you came up with really appeal to me. (consider the source
Very nice!
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange
Updated June 5 2007
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
7. needs some work on it to brighten it up a bit.
I also like no.4 but it just needs another car top left to balance the ones on the RHS.
my stuff is here.....