Which browser for viewing HD clips
Hi All,
Happy Holiday!
I am getting complains from clients that when they try to view the HD clips, the video lags really bad. It is not viewable.
Personally it is not a issue for myself, I use Firefox with Quicktime plugin, all HD clips work fine for me.
I know 99% of my clients use Internet Explorer. How can I make sure they can view HD clips without forcing them to change browser?
Happy Holiday!
I am getting complains from clients that when they try to view the HD clips, the video lags really bad. It is not viewable.
Personally it is not a issue for myself, I use Firefox with Quicktime plugin, all HD clips work fine for me.
I know 99% of my clients use Internet Explorer. How can I make sure they can view HD clips without forcing them to change browser?
I run HD Vids on all manner of windows, with IE and Firefox, On my Macbook Pro, in a Windows 7 Virtual Machine, with 2gb RAM, and running ie8, a full 1080p HD is a little jerky. But then again, it won't also display on my 1280x800 monitor
now try this, it's full 1080p:
Big difference for plenty of folks. On my Desktop system, that video plays lusciously.
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