I just purchased the Tamron 18-270mm VC lens with macro, It is a great lens. It really is an all in one lens. I have taken some really great shots with this lens.
I just purchased the Tamron 18-270mm VC lens with macro, It is a great lens. It really is an all in one lens. I have taken some really great shots with this lens.
Very cool!! Can you show us some examples?
"The question is not what you look at, but what you see". Henry David Thoreau
very well done. i will definitely consider this lens in my setup
The best thing about this lens to me is that it really is an all in one lens. I don't have to be constantly changing my lens. The only draw back is with the lens hood on it sometimes makes a shadow in the bottom of the pic. So I took the hood off and all is fixed.
The best thing about this lens to me is that it really is an all in one lens. I don't have to be constantly changing my lens. The only draw back is with the lens hood on it sometimes makes a shadow in the bottom of the pic. So I took the hood off and all is fixed.
When the shadow occurs are you using the on camera flash? Meaning the pop-up flash?
Maybe what you are seeing is a shadow caused by the flash hitting the hood. A hot shoe flash might prevent that, if that is the case.
this is probably a silly thought, but I pass it on just in case. I sometimes find the lens hood shifts on mine, turning just a little and producing a shadow in my pictures. I twist the lens hood back and all is well again. Again, sorry if this is obvious.
The best thing about this lens to me is that it really is an all in one lens. I don't have to be constantly changing my lens. The only draw back is with the lens hood on it sometimes makes a shadow in the bottom of the pic. So I took the hood off and all is fixed.
I have a Canon 40D and I am considering this lens for holidays. I have a concern about the focusing at the long end though. The lens becomes F6.3 and I would like to know how this effects focusing. I believe Canon states the 40D needs F5.6 min to focus correctly.
I have a Canon 40D and I am considering this lens for holidays. I have a concern about the focusing at the long end though. The lens becomes F6.3 and I would like to know how this effects focusing. I believe Canon states the 40D needs F5.6 min to focus correctly.
I am using a Nikon D60. The focusing is great with my camera. I have not run into any problems yet. I really haven't had a lot of time to use it lately cause we are busy at work. But hopefully things will level off soon. You probably know this but just make sure you buy the one with the canon mount.
Very cool!! Can you show us some examples?
Nikon D600, Nikon 85 f/1.8G, Nikon 24-120mm f/4, Nikon 70-300, Nikon SB-700, Canon S95
show us some pics
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
thank you .
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
When the shadow occurs are you using the on camera flash? Meaning the pop-up flash?
Maybe what you are seeing is a shadow caused by the flash hitting the hood. A hot shoe flash might prevent that, if that is the case.
Thanks for the info i will try that. I was using the on camera flash. I will try my hot shoe flash, will let you know the verdict.
Thanks again.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for sharing, I am wondering how well does it work on low-light setting with no flash?
what camera are you using the lens on?
I have a Canon 40D and I am considering this lens for holidays. I have a concern about the focusing at the long end though. The lens becomes F6.3 and I would like to know how this effects focusing. I believe Canon states the 40D needs F5.6 min to focus correctly.
congrats on the lens!
I am using a Nikon D60. The focusing is great with my camera. I have not run into any problems yet. I really haven't had a lot of time to use it lately cause we are busy at work. But hopefully things will level off soon. You probably know this but just make sure you buy the one with the canon mount.