Boston Skyline

A recently reprocessed and cropped a shot of the Boston Skyline taken about a year and a half ago. I ran 5 versions of a single RAW file through Photomatix Pro.
C&C welcomed.
<strong>EDIT</strong>: increased size
C&C welcomed.
<strong>EDIT</strong>: increased size

As for the HDR, I think it made this image a bit too soft. It's most noticeable right at the waterline, but otherwise this is a beautiful image. I'm just a bit oversensitive to HDR artifacts
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Here is a non HDR version for comparison.
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I love both of them. The non-HDR for its color and the HDR version for the enhanced highlight and shadow detail in the sky and water. My problem with the HDR version is the "sodium vaporish" cast to it. Is it possible to tweak the color temp, hue or saturation in the plus-exposure source images to minimize this?
It is an inconvenient truth that our beautiful cities are illuminated by these "gas"tly light sources. Hopefully technology will provide an efficient light source for the future that doesn't look so drab.
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
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