Photoshop Greeting Card Templates
To make a custom 5x7 greeting card, are there any Photoshop templates (simple or complex) that anyone has created to share or sell?
I am starting to think about a Christmas 2010 card and would like to have more flexibility than the built in templates, but also would like to start with something that will fit the requirements.
I am starting to think about a Christmas 2010 card and would like to have more flexibility than the built in templates, but also would like to start with something that will fit the requirements.
Also if you have Creative Suite, Illustrator has some templates in it.
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Thanks for the suggestions. This blog looks like a good start and may also teach me a few things. I have Illustrator also so I will check this also.
In general, my thought was that I am not the first Smugmug user to want to make a card from scratch using Photoshop. Any other users out there that can provide some pointers on their experience?
I have used free templates from Avery ( the label company which sells stock for you to print your design on)
Take a look at
What a G R E A T resource! Thanks for passing that along.
CTU Photography