DSS #41 Shoes C&C photo titled "Recycled Luck"

OK Here's my first try at DSS challenges. Let me know what ya'll think.
Recycled Luck
Recycled Luck #2
Recycled Luck #3

Thank you for your critique,
Recycled Luck

Recycled Luck #2

Recycled Luck #3

Thank you for your critique,
First thing people'll probly say is that it would be nicer if the bottom of the shoe wasn't cut off. But it's definitely a very theme worthy concept in my opinion. :B
Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
Pubweb--welcome to the challenges.
I agree with Aspecto5, the first thing I thught was "wish the shoe wasn't cut off on the bottom", it does bug me very much--but it is a great idea, and I like your processing.
Thanks for the C & C.
Unfortunately that is the uncropped original, fortunately I went back to the mountains of Tennessee and took another photo.
DavidBroadwell.com, My Smugmug Home
I like the concept but think the lighting could be a little more dramatic? I like #2 but you may want to crop a little more like #1 without cutting the bottom off?
Just some thoughts.
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