Osprey, NOT good, blk/white, sorry
I don't want to trash them. I might not see these birds again. They were both at the nest with the one on the right eating on a large fish. I tried, I really did. I kept increasing the EC, I lost contrast, came up with very little color, so I converted to blk and white. I had to let them go dark, just to get what contrast I could.
I trashed a whole folder. Decided to save two photos..........just to record the day. It was mid afternoon. I think they were shading themselves. They are up high, very high, so I have to shoot up, and only from one side, can't get to the other side. OK, so I shouldn't have taken them, I thought if I compensated the EC, so I started at "right on" and graduated to +2 with stops in between. Just no getting it.
I really hate shooting these guys. No stalking fun, am taking dog to the vet tomorrow...........I need to rest from this stuff. So, don't know when I will be back, whenever it is, it won't be mid afternoon. Might be next year.
Driving over the connector, afterwards, two of the most gorgeous woodstorks flew over the bridge, together. Gorgeous sight. I am thinking that it would have been a great photo. A great memory as it is. Those gorgeous black tipped wings. Love those birds!
Thanks for your patience, sorry for posting my worst, but, well, it is all in the family????
ginger (the dogs woke me up, the a/c is iced up...........so none on a very hot night.) Shot a baptism, that is what got me out of the house.
I wonder if these are the babies or the adults? There were two adults and two babies.........

I trashed a whole folder. Decided to save two photos..........just to record the day. It was mid afternoon. I think they were shading themselves. They are up high, very high, so I have to shoot up, and only from one side, can't get to the other side. OK, so I shouldn't have taken them, I thought if I compensated the EC, so I started at "right on" and graduated to +2 with stops in between. Just no getting it.
I really hate shooting these guys. No stalking fun, am taking dog to the vet tomorrow...........I need to rest from this stuff. So, don't know when I will be back, whenever it is, it won't be mid afternoon. Might be next year.
Driving over the connector, afterwards, two of the most gorgeous woodstorks flew over the bridge, together. Gorgeous sight. I am thinking that it would have been a great photo. A great memory as it is. Those gorgeous black tipped wings. Love those birds!
Thanks for your patience, sorry for posting my worst, but, well, it is all in the family????
ginger (the dogs woke me up, the a/c is iced up...........so none on a very hot night.) Shot a baptism, that is what got me out of the house.
I wonder if these are the babies or the adults? There were two adults and two babies.........

After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
Yeah they lack contrast, sorry
but I can't even find one around here, so if I did I would have shot them no matter the light.
In answer to your other question Yes been very hot, but it's summer so you get used to it, the only thing is it's been quite humid and that takes a toll.
No haven't given up on birds, are you crazy :lol4 just haven't had time, but will this week god willing and the .........well you know!!
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Crazy as I am, I am thinking of going around the time everyone is driving home from work to try for more shots, something with a yellow eye. All I want is a yellow eye, before that nest is empty until next spring sometime.
I am used to the heat, I prefer heat to cold, actually. But it is this incessant exercise that I am not used to..................with sweat running everywhere. And the mugginess. It does not cool down in the evening. Morning is best. But sleeping through a vet appointment, well, I am obviously not making sunrises.
I was in "church" clothes, such as would never be worn by an adult who cared. MIne are cool, no "support", bra type straps, and I don't care. But I can't wear them twice: too wet. I have never spent a summer like this. Tennis, yes, then I would sleep for two days.
Now I am driven.............it is a sickness. These are just prehistoric monsters with feathers. Smart ones, too. I wonder if the "old timey" monsters were so smart.
I need to take time off, big time, need to take it off, but I am afraid the birds will go away. I will try those Ospreys tonight, please look. Yeah, there are some birds, I would take no matter...............actually any bird. I shoot late, the last gb is a waste of blur. Etc. This was the first time I have deleted a whole card, with the Osprey. Actually, I did get what I needed in these blk and white. But I am not satisfied.
(I will be taking a week off in August for skin cancer surgery, in hospital, etc, crazy: then a party in Charlotte. It will drive me nuts not to have the birds, gotta have the birds.)
(I have a crazy idea for the next challenge, no idea of where to find it.)
Thanks for stopping. ginger
I hate it when no one stops, we are all friends, I am trying. I feel like I have defiled the thread. I would not try to sell these. Figure someone might have a suggestion as to exposure in such situations.
Great birds. They may not be perfect shots. But, how often do you see a bird like that? Yeah, you gotta keep the shots. Maybe someone will have an idea for more fixes. If not today, maybe later.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
The B&W conversion was a good idea. These birds are not easy subjects to shoot. I'm deleting up to 75% of my shots when I get home at the end of a shoot.
I'm having surgery in August too (hernia, minor stuff). So I will be taking a break from shooting myself. Don't worry about the birds. There will always be more to shoot. They are creatures of habit. If they are hanging around certain areas now they will more than likely stay there or return there according to the seasons.
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"