What kind of Flower is This??
Took this picture while in Del Norte Coast State park in Northern California. They were very cool flowers and were very pretty in the fading sunlight. Does anyone know what type of flower it is? Also, if you have any critique for the photo, please feel free.

"To change the world starts with one step--no matter how small the first is always hardest of all"---DJM
"To change the world starts with one step--no matter how small the first is always hardest of all"---DJM
I have imported it into my yard here in KY. My post over in the support section contained a pict I took a couple of years ago.
"To change the world starts with one step--no matter how small the first is always hardest of all"---DJM
Smug Galleries - Other Images
"To change the world starts with one step--no matter how small the first is always hardest of all"---DJM