keyword question

Can keywords show up in password-protected galleries? I was hoping to make use of a password-protected gallery with photos labeled with keywords so the folks using the gallery could do an easy sort of "search" function by just clicking on a keyword. (500+ baseball team photos...key-worded with kids' names...parents can easily find all the photos with their kid by clicking keyword). Possible? If so, my keywords aren't showing up when I log out and I don't know why. If not possible with protected galleries...well, then...bummer.
Go vote here in uservoice.
"Why can't the keyword cloud of passworded galleries be appended to the keyword list
when a password is entered? This is done when logging in. This would make many
families very happy that don't want their photos exposed to the public."
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Elaine Heasley Photography
It would be great if SM had a free sign up for users that would browse only. It would also make good sense to give them a little to try it out or entice them to sign up for basic accounts at the least.
If they had the ability to log in then we could tag the users as friends or family.