#41: Too many ideas

Shoes are awesome. I love shoes.
Consequently, my brain is jammed with so many ideas that I can't think any of them through in a coherent fashion. I think I'm currently veering between organic "chance capture"-type shots, or posed feet with some kind of story to tell, but then in the back of my mind I also have Steichen's shot for Vogue. And, of course, all the wonderful "storytelling" shots from y'all so far have got my brain going in an entirely different direction yet again (as well as pointing out that a lot of my ideas so far have been utter rubbish!)
Soooo today I decided to shoot (shoet?) something, ANYthing. I have no idea if this is where I will wind up, but here's a start. I have at least one more "still-life" type idea percolating, but I'm not sure if I have the space or lighting to pull it off - we'll see..
So, for starters, here's this one. Thoughts? All feedback very much welcomed, as I'm not really feeling any inspiration - while there's a lot in my head right now, the signal-to-noise ratio is very poor..... :rolleyes
Consequently, my brain is jammed with so many ideas that I can't think any of them through in a coherent fashion. I think I'm currently veering between organic "chance capture"-type shots, or posed feet with some kind of story to tell, but then in the back of my mind I also have Steichen's shot for Vogue. And, of course, all the wonderful "storytelling" shots from y'all so far have got my brain going in an entirely different direction yet again (as well as pointing out that a lot of my ideas so far have been utter rubbish!)
Soooo today I decided to shoot (shoet?) something, ANYthing. I have no idea if this is where I will wind up, but here's a start. I have at least one more "still-life" type idea percolating, but I'm not sure if I have the space or lighting to pull it off - we'll see..
So, for starters, here's this one. Thoughts? All feedback very much welcomed, as I'm not really feeling any inspiration - while there's a lot in my head right now, the signal-to-noise ratio is very poor..... :rolleyes

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I like the toning of the image, but not sure why the shoes are on the keyboard?
I like this challenge because it seems very specific, but in reality there are a lot of different ways to go with it: storytelling, still lifes, analysis of shape, color, texture, etc.
I'm sure you'll come through with something!
Unusual fingering technique?
Seriously, I have no idea. I just had the b/w shoes in the music room (which is also where I shoot a lot of the time) and the bw keyboard and it kinda spoke to me and ... well, yanno...
Like I say, I am SO unfocused with this one. Too many ideas and not one of 'em solid
This shot did get me playing around with textures, however - not sure I like the result, but it's the first time I've really made the effort with texture, so it was fun
Thanks Scotty - that's actully easily fixed because I darkened the contrast on that in post. I questioned it too once I'd done the texturing and toning - maybe time to go back and revisit that if I stick with it as an entry. So far it's all I've got, so have to see what this week brings!
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