Rather than assuming slavish attention to fine print (in an internet forum . . . ), perhaps it would be better to offer a friendly heads up via PM informing the offender that there is a rules transgression in desperate need of immediate correction. Such a note would require minimal effort and be quite a bit less heavy handed. After all, we are here to have learn, have fun, and enjoy (challenge) photography, no?
Rather than assuming slavish attention to fine print (in an internet forum . . . ), perhaps it would be better to offer a friendly heads up via PM informing the offender that there is a rules transgression in desperate need of immediate correction. Such a note would require minimal effort and be quite a bit less heavy handed. After all, we are here to have learn, have fun, and enjoy (challenge) photography, no?
hiya harvey - it's too much work to pm folks - there are too many entries and i cannot be thinking about what's eligible or not... i work 70 hrs a week, travel most every week, and try to admin dgrin and also run the challenges - it's a lot of effort and even 3 or 4 pms extra a week is more than i want to deal with - sorry but it has to be this way otherwise i'd bust!
hiya harvey - it's too much work to pm folks - there are too many entries and i cannot be thinking about what's eligible or not... i work 70 hrs a week, travel most every week, and try to admin dgrin and also run the challenges - it's a lot of effort and even 3 or 4 pms extra a week is more than i want to deal with - sorry but it has to be this way otherwise i'd bust!
Gosh, all this time I thought I was the only one with a busy schedule.
Your show, your rules, no problem. Enjoy (fully compliant) photography.
Gosh, all this time I thought I was the only one with a busy schedule.
Your show, your rules, no problem. Enjoy (fully compliant) photography.
Hi Harvey,
I'm so sorry you got eliminated. Perhaps the rest of us members can be alert for this kind of thing. I could have sent you a PM if I had noticed. I will pay closer attention next time. Of course you won't forget again, I'm sure. Please don't let this spoil your enjoyment of the site. We're a friendly bunch here and we try to help each other. Let me say, "welcome" and "we're here to help". Please join in on the next challenge. Glad to have you aboard.
I have seen Andy delete some others as well and thought "Hey, Thats just not right!" Than after being here for a while i fully understood! He really does alot to inform about putting all the data into your picture and even i forgot it before when i read it! So hopefully we can see your next picture in the next contest!
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tim, you didn't put the date taken with your photo, so i deleted it. everything you need to know is in the rules, prominently displayed in a sticky thread in this forum
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Okay. I didn't read the fine print.
Rather than assuming slavish attention to fine print (in an internet forum . . .
hiya harvey - it's too much work to pm folks - there are too many entries and i cannot be thinking about what's eligible or not... i work 70 hrs a week, travel most every week, and try to admin dgrin and also run the challenges - it's a lot of effort and even 3 or 4 pms extra a week is more than i want to deal with - sorry but it has to be this way otherwise i'd bust!
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Gosh, all this time I thought I was the only one with a busy schedule.
Your show, your rules, no problem. Enjoy (fully compliant) photography.
I'm so sorry you got eliminated. Perhaps the rest of us members can be alert for this kind of thing. I could have sent you a PM if I had noticed. I will pay closer attention next time. Of course you won't forget again, I'm sure. Please don't let this spoil your enjoyment of the site. We're a friendly bunch here and we try to help each other. Let me say, "welcome" and "we're here to help". Please join in on the next challenge. Glad to have you aboard.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I have seen Andy delete some others as well and thought "Hey, Thats just not right!" Than after being here for a while i fully understood!
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com