SmugImport - import SmugMug albums into Facebook

We all know photos look about a bajillion times better on SmugMug than they do on Facebook but there are some advantages to having them on Facebook as well. In the past this has meant uploading each photo twice; once into SmugMug and then again into Facebook. That’s a pain, even with a pretty fast connection.
While you can post links to your SmugMug galleries on Facebook I wanted to be able to import them into their own Facebook albums so I wrote a Facebook application to do it.
SmugImport allows you to import your galleries from SmugMug directly into Facebook. To use it, just search Facebook for "SmugImport" or go to
At the moment it only works with public SmugMug galleries but I plan to add support for private galleries in the near future.
Any questions, comments or suggestions welcome!
While you can post links to your SmugMug galleries on Facebook I wanted to be able to import them into their own Facebook albums so I wrote a Facebook application to do it.
SmugImport allows you to import your galleries from SmugMug directly into Facebook. To use it, just search Facebook for "SmugImport" or go to
At the moment it only works with public SmugMug galleries but I plan to add support for private galleries in the near future.
Any questions, comments or suggestions welcome!
There is no syncing feature at the moment but it's a good idea! I'll look into it.
Hi, thanks for making this, it's exactly what I've been looking for!
Unfortunately, it's not working for me at the moment.
I installed the application, entered my SmugMug username, and... nothing, I get a "Settings updated." message, but the application keeps asking for my username.
Is this a known bug?
Is it still a problem for you? If so, what web browser are you using?
I've just released a new version of SmugImport that fixes an issue some people were experiencing when saving their SmugMug nickname.
How about video support? I'd like to continue keeping smugmug as my first-class storage option but I don't mind syncing all of my content to Facebook for the full friend integration there. But uploading twice from my computer is slow; it would be nice to pull it into facebook straight from smugmug.
Glad you are finding it useful!
Video support is an interesting idea. I'll look into it.
Genius!! This is a brilliant app. Thanks so much for creating it. You've made my life so much easier.
Does this not work on a business page?
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An error occurred
Application error
A new version of SmugImport has been released. This version:
- Fixes an issue some people were having saving their nickname when adding the application for the first time.
- Increases the size of the imported photos to Facebook's maxium size.
Sorry it took a while to fix the problem. I'm meant to be subscribed to this thread but for some reason I didn't get notified of any new posts. I'll have to check back more often!David
This is something a few people have asked for and I would like to support it however last time I checked (a couple of months ago) this was not supported by the Facebook API.
Facebook have made quite a few changes recently so I will look into this possibility again.
All they need is their username?
Maybe I'm in the wrong place for this. If so, please guide me to the right place.
I deal primarily with brides who are VERY tech savvy. They want digital discs, which I'm glad to give them. However, i recently saw a photog had imbedded his copyright to show in the caption space of the facebook galleries of his brides. This would be perfect for me! is there anything that anyone knows about how to manage this? Something in the meta data perhaps? I realize the bride could simply click and delete my copyright caption, but chances are they're not going to bother on 1000+ images.
I use SmugImport all the time, but today it seems to have disappeared from Facebook. Any idea what happened? I'm lost without a Facebook import app!
"To help keep Platform policies simple while delivering great Platform experiences to users, our automated systems remove apps providing poor user experiences. Our systems use a variety of signals to assess user experience, such as user feedback on an app's communications (Stream stories, etc.) and on the app itself."
It seems that Facebook recently made changes to it's automated 'ban bot' which has now shut down many many legitimate apps that have many happy users. Here is an article on TechCrunch about it:
No explanation was given as to why they thought SmugImport provided a poor user experience. I know a number of people find it quite useful.
I am now considering whether to relaunch the app (which will have to be at a different Facebook URL as I'm not allowed to reuse the existing one) or just give up on the whole Facebook platform completely.
I don't make any money from this app and developing for the Facebook platform is really painful. You never know when a change Facebook makes will cause your app to stop working.
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This stinks! Good job on this app. though.
My Smugmug Site
I share your frustration. I had the exact same experience with photo smuggler. Facebook randomly deleted it. Was a real pain to restore it.
Have you tried Smugmug's?
My Smugmug Site