Extra Camera Info

How come the extra camera info only appears on some of my images within the same gallery? Look at this one as an example:
There is a photo for each day, all taken with the same camera, most (if not all) taken as RAW, similar amounts of post processing, all in PS... but, only the ones after 5-05-2004 (so all except the first 5 in that gallery) have the camera info. Weird?
There is a photo for each day, all taken with the same camera, most (if not all) taken as RAW, similar amounts of post processing, all in PS... but, only the ones after 5-05-2004 (so all except the first 5 in that gallery) have the camera info. Weird?
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Thanks Andy... wasn't so much a change in my workflow as a change in my tools. I figured it out because after 5-05-2004 there were 2 more random photos (13 and 14) that didn't have exif. Well... a little further investigation showed that those 2 were converted from RAW here at my work machine rather than at home as usual. Hmmm, lo and behold, the only difference is that I had updated the RAW plug-in (v2.2) at home and not at work - EUREKA, I've solved it!!!!!
So I just double checked and tested it out. Processed a photo real quick, updated, rebooted, then reprocessed the same photo. Fixed:
Conclusion: the new v2.2 of PS RAW plug-in also fixes exif handling!!! Hooray for Adobe!
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