Lightroom2 File Naming

I had this set up once, lost it, and can't figure out how to set it up again.
I prefer to name files in this manner: 2010-01-02-001. (yyyy-mm-dd-###). I like those hyphens in the file name.
Lightroom wants to name them 20100102-001 (without the hyphens).
Using Import>File Naming>(drop downs) I can't seem to tell Lightroom to use those hyphens. How do I do it?
I prefer to name files in this manner: 2010-01-02-001. (yyyy-mm-dd-###). I like those hyphens in the file name.
Lightroom wants to name them 20100102-001 (without the hyphens).
Using Import>File Naming>(drop downs) I can't seem to tell Lightroom to use those hyphens. How do I do it?
Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
A note to keep in mind though, after updating LR to a new version, you'll have to reapply the change, so keep a backup of the txt file.