Huge Oak need advice

I would love to make this look better. First it was a gloomy overcast day and I'm under a tree canopy so everything is flat and dull. So I bracketed the shot and none of that looked that great, so I HDR'd it which gave it some life, but it seems like it needs something.... What?

It's certainly a cool old tree.
Another thing might be to desaturate the sky so it is just white.
If you are using LR you could also move up the lightness slider and see what it does too.
Or just give up on color and do a high contrast B&W conversion. It would look pretty cool and creepy.
Nice picture…
…needs person sitting on bench!
- Wil
Thanks everybody
Here is what I tried with it. Tell me what you think.
Just a little different processing ~ I'll gladly delete this if you wish
I like that look, Desaturated and contrast? What did you do?
I was afraid you were going to ask that
Let me think ~ I desaturated it ~ Adjusted curves and levels ~ burned the sky ~ sharpened the trunk, ivy and bench ~
I think that's about it.