hotmail blocking my IP addy... what do I do?

I just got a couple of emails I had sent to clients with hotmail addy's returned with a note from hotmail stating this:
Now what am I supposed to do? I am quite sure that the quoted paragraph is not in English.... and neither is the "help" page.
I think this could possibly be the result of my one and only email campaign where I sent out a cupon for my smuggy site over a month ago. I sent it to all previous customers... and that was it. But perhaps someone junked it, and hotmail took it that I was sending spam out there. Which technically, I suppose I was attempting to create business so it could be considered spam.
Meanwhile... I have to have the ability to connect with my hotmail users... But what steps do I take to make hotmail like me again?
host[] said: 550
SC-004 Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons. A block
has been placed against your IP address because we have received complaints
concerning mail coming from that IP address. If you are not an
email/network admin please contact your E-mail/Internet Service Provider
for help. Email/network admins, we recommend enrolling in our Junk E-Mail
Reporting Program (JMRP), a free program intended to help senders remove
unwanted recipients from their e-mail list: [URL="mhtml:{4A7CCE5C-ED7C-40C6-B40F-6FB5991E9427}mid://00000135/!x-usc:"][/URL] (in
reply to MAIL FROM command)
Now what am I supposed to do? I am quite sure that the quoted paragraph is not in English.... and neither is the "help" page.
I think this could possibly be the result of my one and only email campaign where I sent out a cupon for my smuggy site over a month ago. I sent it to all previous customers... and that was it. But perhaps someone junked it, and hotmail took it that I was sending spam out there. Which technically, I suppose I was attempting to create business so it could be considered spam.
Meanwhile... I have to have the ability to connect with my hotmail users... But what steps do I take to make hotmail like me again?
A temporary solution while you're blocked is to e-mail from somewhere else, or from a phone, or such. Or if you're inclined to solve your problems technologically, you could try the Tor Browser.
In computers, there is ALWAYS a way to get it done.