Vertical bars in Carbonite theme

Took a look through the new themes and the Carbonite theme looks very elegant except(!) that there are a couple of gray vertical lines that look like bugs to me...
There is one between the thumbnails and the "big" picture. There is a small vertical line just above that separating the "Page 1 of..." and the "1 of xx Next >". As a bonus, the little vertical lines don't line up.
None of the other themes have this type of separator, so I'm assuming it is a bug. For now I've gone back to the default theme. If ya'll can fix the vertical line, I'd love to use the newer theme :thumb
There is one between the thumbnails and the "big" picture. There is a small vertical line just above that separating the "Page 1 of..." and the "1 of xx Next >". As a bonus, the little vertical lines don't line up.
None of the other themes have this type of separator, so I'm assuming it is a bug. For now I've gone back to the default theme. If ya'll can fix the vertical line, I'd love to use the newer theme :thumb
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Anyway, here's how it shows up in my browser:
I'm running FF 3.5.6 on OS X in case that matters.
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That looks so out of place on an otherwise beautiful theme. Appreciate the offer to help with the CSS, but it's not worth the long-term maintenance for me (have to remember it is there for any future changes in theme selections).
.left_border {border: none !important;}
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