I've installed the SmugMug channel (thanks) on my Roku box. However, when I go to it all I am able to see is a full screen version of the SmugMug logo.
I also have not been able to figure out how to get to my specific Roku account. I am not very technically oriented so any help would be appreciated.
Thank you and thanks again for the channel.
Are you still having this problem? I just set up the SmugMug channel on my new Roku and I had the same problem the first time I launched the app/channel. I exited the app/channel and went back in and it worked fine. I was able to go to "My SmugMug" and followed the directions to go to Chris' web site and activate my Roku and was able to see my galleries fine.
BTW, Chris - at the home screen for the channel, all three of the images on the screen (Browse SmugMug, My SmugMug, and Settings) say "Retrieving Image". This is also true for all if the rest of the images on sub-pages, like Popular Photos, etc. Other than that, it works great and I love being able to view SmugMug on my TV! Thanks for your work.
Hi Chris - First of I would like to take this liberty and thank you for making this great app for both Smugmug and Flickr which both are now available on Rokus's channel list. I have been using the Roku device for about 4 years just to watch Netflix. Now, I would like to take a full benefit of this little device and specially the app you have created for smugmug and Flickr.After,using both app on roku I have decided to just sign up with Smugmug as I really liked the theme and the most importantly the password protected feature.
During the trail with smumug I uploaded some images that were shot by Canon L series lenses. While viewing the images using the smugmug on Roku I noticed all images showing black bars on the sides of my picture. Same images were uploaded to the Flickr and viewed on roku and all images were shown as full screen. Is there any setting that I need to change on my smugmug account or Roku device? All my photos on smumug are checked to show the original size.
First, let me say that the SmugMug channel is outstanding. Thank you for the time you spent coding it.
I have a question about how to share photos and videos with non-SmugMug members. My mother does not have a smugmug account, but she does have a Roku 2 XS.
Is there a way for her to browse the photos and videos I am hosting on my SmugMug account? Here are the constraints:
* $0 for my mom to pay (I am already paying for a SmugMug pro account)
* Photos and videos are not publicly available to just anyone
I just got a new Roku. I don't have Smugmug account and I don't need one. My husband's daughter has one though and we would like to be able to view her photos though. It's not worth $40 a year for that to us. You need to rethink your Roku users accounts. Cynthia has a top level account that more than pays for us being able to view her photos on our Roku.
Thanks for the great channel. Would you please point me to instructions about how to change the display interval - as currently set the pictures are flipping through very quickly!
How do I Access My Galleries?
I added the Smugmug Channel, but I can't find anywhere to sign into my Smugmug account! All I see when I go to that channel is "Browse Popular Photos". What am I doing wrong? My Smugmug site is www.leftatalbuquerque.com
Smugmug on Roku
I went to the Smugmug app on Roku and it took me to browse all pictures. I want to browse MY pictures. How do i do that. There was no way to sign in. Thanks, Neil
I added the Smugmug Channel, but I can't find anywhere to sign into my Smugmug account! All I see when I go to that channel is "Browse Popular Photos". What am I doing wrong? My Smugmug site is www.leftatalbuquerque.com
Thanks for any help!
All you need to do is select My Smugmug and link your account. Let me know if you have any questions.
I went to the Smugmug app on Roku and it took me to browse all pictures. I want to browse MY pictures. How do i do that. There was no way to sign in. Thanks, Neil
Did you try to select My SmugMug and link your account? Once linked, you should see all your albums and categories.
I just got a new Roku. I don't have Smugmug account and I don't need one. My husband's daughter has one though and we would like to be able to view her photos though. It's not worth $40 a year for that to us. You need to rethink your Roku users accounts. Cynthia has a top level account that more than pays for us being able to view her photos on our Roku.
You can follow people when you don't have an account. Just go to the settings and click Edit Following. There you will be able to add users by their username to you SmugMug homescreen.
Random Slideshows!
You have a slideshow that pulls random images from all galleries? Can you let SmugMug know how to incorporate that into their NEW SmugMug slideshows? !! :):) Have not been able to check out the ROKU as my Service Provider here in Southeast Georgia, Comcast, has been having fairly bad problems the last few days.
You have a slideshow that pulls random images from all galleries? Can you let SmugMug know how to incorporate that into their NEW SmugMug slideshows? !! :):) Have not been able to check out the ROKU as my Service Provider here in Southeast Georgia, Comcast, has been having fairly bad problems the last few days.
I probably wouldn't be too hard for the great engineers at SmugMug to be able to implement a random slideshow if they wanted to. One way I have done this before is to create a hidden smart album (or collect some of your best stuff) and use that as the source gallery for a slideshow.
You would have thought the great engineers at SM would have thought of random shows BEFORE implementing the NEW SM especially since they KNOW how many folks are (were) using JFriends superb routines. Kudos to you for the Roku programming!!!!!
On Roku - Categories Not Available - Very Limited Browsing
I was excited to find SmugMug on our Roku, but looking at my site is extremely limited (I just got Roku, so don't know if this is a new or old problem). I can browse recently modified galleries & I think see my homepage slideshow & Porfolio category. However, if we try to click on Browse By Category, we get a page that says at the top (in a box): "API Error". Beside that it says, "Invalid / Used Nonce" . That's it... there's no way to get past it. We can't see any list of categories, or a list of my NavBar buttons (which would be nearly identical to my Categories). Idk what the "Invalid / Used Nonce" screen means. Fwiw, I haven't begun any migrating at all; i.e. I'm still using my Legacy site exclusively. I would not be surprised if the PITA Caps/No Caps Categories is part of the problem, but I really have no idea.
I was excited to find SmugMug on our Roku, but looking at my site is extremely limited (I just got Roku, so don't know if this is a new or old problem). I can browse recently modified galleries & I think see my homepage slideshow & Porfolio category. However, if we try to click on Browse By Category, we get a page that says at the top (in a box): "API Error". Beside that it says, "Invalid / Used Nonce" . That's it... there's no way to get past it. We can't see any list of categories, or a list of my NavBar buttons (which would be nearly identical to my Categories). Idk what the "Invalid / Used Nonce" screen means. Fwiw, I haven't begun any migrating at all; i.e. I'm still using my Legacy site exclusively. I would not be surprised if the PITA Caps/No Caps Categories is part of the problem, but I really have no idea.
This has been happening to me as well. I can only use the channel if I use the "view recent galleries" option. Browse categories gives the same API error. Presumably because the concept of "categories" no longer exists.
I have migrated, but I think it's a change in the data schema across the board that's killed it. Please fix it if you can! This channel is awesome, a real killer app for me and videos of my family. I'd pay for it even. I'd love to see this fixed!
I was able to view your photos fine. Are you still seeing the issue? It may have been a temporary network thing. Let me know if you are still having problems.
I tried to activate the application and it wouldn't populate. My unit is about 2 years old but I updated the latest software. I am thinking the software would be the same on a new unit. Any thoughts.
I was excited to find SmugMug on our Roku, but looking at my site is extremely limited (I just got Roku, so don't know if this is a new or old problem). I can browse recently modified galleries & I think see my homepage slideshow & Porfolio category. However, if we try to click on Browse By Category, we get a page that says at the top (in a box): "API Error". Beside that it says, "Invalid / Used Nonce" . That's it... there's no way to get past it. We can't see any list of categories, or a list of my NavBar buttons (which would be nearly identical to my Categories). Idk what the "Invalid / Used Nonce" screen means. Fwiw, I haven't begun any migrating at all; i.e. I'm still using my Legacy site exclusively. I would not be surprised if the PITA Caps/No Caps Categories is part of the problem, but I really have no idea.
Hey everyone. Sorry for not taking care of the Roku app as much as I should. I haven't really looked into the API changes that have broken the app but hope to do so soon. I need to get my hands on a new Roku so I can start testing these things again.
UPDATE: suddenly the Roku SM app is working, at least for legacy sites!
EDIT1: Only problem is that other people's photos can only be displayed at postage stamp sizes, so not real usable unless you are viewing your own galleries.
EDIT2: Now, a day later, navigation is completely different. There's a new menu bar on the top. Chris, are you currently re-working this app?
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Just bought a Roku stick just for this app. I appreciate the developers time/effort to make this happen. Most of my images though look overprocessed (oversharpened or "crunchy" ) on a 32" Sony Bravia display. They look fine on my callibrated monitor and smaller screens with the default gallery wide Smugmug sharpening. Do I have to change my TV settings for this app to work well? Do others make a separate galleries with images processed for TV display? Is there a setting in the Roku app to adjust this? Appreciate any help from anyone.
A couple of weeks ago, Roku released a SDK to add channels to their platform. I decided to write a channel to view SmugMug accounts.
The channel currently includes:
Popular Photos - Browse popular photos (from smugmug.com/popular feed)
Albums - View Recently Updated Albums (reverse date order)
Categories & Subcategories - Browse your albums by category
Friends & Family Albums - Browse your linked Friends and Family SmugMug sites
Video - Video only albums show list of videos while mixed albums show a selector screen
Random Slideshow - Generate a random slideshow from all albums
I hope you like the channel and look forward to your feedback.
EDIT: 1/29/2010 - The channel is now officially available in the Roku Channel Store! Please post any feedback in this thread.
Hi Chris,
I added the SmugMug app to my Roku, and only public albums are displayed. The unlisted ones are not. When I linked SmugMug to Roku, I chose "Full" (View all albums, including unlisted ones). Any idea what's happening? I contact tech support for Roku and Smugmug and neither were able to assist.
Didn't know I could "follow" other users, and see their public albums at TV monitor resolution. Also there is a new "Settings" area. Are these new features just added, or have they been there for a while and I just never noticed them?
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I added the SmugMug app to my Roku, and only public albums are displayed. The unlisted ones are not. When I linked SmugMug to Roku, I chose "Full" (View all albums, including unlisted ones). Any idea what's happening? I contact tech support for Roku and Smugmug and neither were able to assist.
Haha! Samir, my old photo rotation buddy!! Hope your brain & all are rotated correctly these days! Anyway, yes, go try out your Roku. I did try looking at my site again a bit ago, & the issues mentioned earlier are resolved from all I can tell. to Chris! I'm not sure when you go about choosing whether you want to see unlisted galleries or not-- someone mentioned "Full Site" in an earlier post, & I didn't see that option, but it sounds like it's an option we chose when we first paired our Roku with SmugMug. (I can't remember that far back) So today when I checked, I could see all my galleries-- even Private, Unlisted, etc. And the new options Chris mentioned earlier are there; I didn't actually take notice of the video option, but that's cuz I didn't open any galleries with videos...I assume it's there. For me, the most useful option is Categories (browse your site by categories). They may not be in an order you expect, & mine don't show the feature photos I selected, but otherwise they all work great & you can go to full screen mode. I have a crummy TV, but I'm sure those of you w/ a great TV will see your photos in great huge glory this way. Go for it, Samir!
Are you still having this problem? I just set up the SmugMug channel on my new Roku and I had the same problem the first time I launched the app/channel. I exited the app/channel and went back in and it worked fine. I was able to go to "My SmugMug" and followed the directions to go to Chris' web site and activate my Roku and was able to see my galleries fine.
BTW, Chris - at the home screen for the channel, all three of the images on the screen (Browse SmugMug, My SmugMug, and Settings) say "Retrieving Image". This is also true for all if the rest of the images on sub-pages, like Popular Photos, etc. Other than that, it works great and I love being able to view SmugMug on my TV! Thanks for your work.
During the trail with smumug I uploaded some images that were shot by Canon L series lenses. While viewing the images using the smugmug on Roku I noticed all images showing black bars on the sides of my picture. Same images were uploaded to the Flickr and viewed on roku and all images were shown as full screen. Is there any setting that I need to change on my smugmug account or Roku device? All my photos on smumug are checked to show the original size.
I have a question about how to share photos and videos with non-SmugMug members. My mother does not have a smugmug account, but she does have a Roku 2 XS.
Is there a way for her to browse the photos and videos I am hosting on my SmugMug account? Here are the constraints:
* $0 for my mom to pay (I am already paying for a SmugMug pro account)
* Photos and videos are not publicly available to just anyone
Hello. I was wondering if there was any plan to offer access to password-protected galleries.
Thank you.
I added the Smugmug Channel, but I can't find anywhere to sign into my Smugmug account! All I see when I go to that channel is "Browse Popular Photos". What am I doing wrong? My Smugmug site is www.leftatalbuquerque.com
Thanks for any help!
I went to the Smugmug app on Roku and it took me to browse all pictures. I want to browse MY pictures. How do i do that. There was no way to sign in. Thanks, Neil
All you need to do is select My Smugmug and link your account. Let me know if you have any questions.
Did you try to select My SmugMug and link your account? Once linked, you should see all your albums and categories.
You can follow people when you don't have an account. Just go to the settings and click Edit Following. There you will be able to add users by their username to you SmugMug homescreen.
You have a slideshow that pulls random images from all galleries? Can you let SmugMug know how to incorporate that into their NEW SmugMug slideshows? !!
I probably wouldn't be too hard for the great engineers at SmugMug to be able to implement a random slideshow if they wanted to. One way I have done this before is to create a hidden smart album (or collect some of your best stuff) and use that as the source gallery for a slideshow.
I was excited to find SmugMug on our Roku, but looking at my site is extremely limited (I just got Roku, so don't know if this is a new or old problem). I can browse recently modified galleries & I think see my homepage slideshow & Porfolio category. However, if we try to click on Browse By Category, we get a page that says at the top (in a box): "API Error". Beside that it says, "Invalid / Used Nonce" . That's it... there's no way to get past it. We can't see any list of categories, or a list of my NavBar buttons (which would be nearly identical to my Categories). Idk what the "Invalid / Used Nonce" screen means. Fwiw, I haven't begun any migrating at all; i.e. I'm still using my Legacy site exclusively. I would not be surprised if the PITA Caps/No Caps Categories is part of the problem, but I really have no idea.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
This has been happening to me as well. I can only use the channel if I use the "view recent galleries" option. Browse categories gives the same API error. Presumably because the concept of "categories" no longer exists.
I have migrated, but I think it's a change in the data schema across the board that's killed it. Please fix it if you can! This channel is awesome, a real killer app for me and videos of my family. I'd pay for it even. I'd love to see this fixed!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
I tried to activate the application and it wouldn't populate. My unit is about 2 years old but I updated the latest software. I am thinking the software would be the same on a new unit. Any thoughts.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
EDIT1: Only problem is that other people's photos can only be displayed at postage stamp sizes, so not real usable unless you are viewing your own galleries.
EDIT2: Now, a day later, navigation is completely different. There's a new menu bar on the top. Chris, are you currently re-working this app?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Hi Chris,
I added the SmugMug app to my Roku, and only public albums are displayed. The unlisted ones are not. When I linked SmugMug to Roku, I chose "Full" (View all albums, including unlisted ones). Any idea what's happening? I contact tech support for Roku and Smugmug and neither were able to assist.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Hi Anna Lisa! Long time no see!
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com