DSS 41- "Proper Send off for a Classic Pair"

Hey All,
Missed the last round and getting a late start on this one--but how can I pass up shoes?!!!
Let me know what you think please--C&C appreciated.
Also does the title work?
AND in the first one is that considered a frame? Don't want to be DQ'd.


Missed the last round and getting a late start on this one--but how can I pass up shoes?!!!
Let me know what you think please--C&C appreciated.
Also does the title work?
AND in the first one is that considered a frame? Don't want to be DQ'd.



Liz A.
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Two it is--I'm putting it in the gallery.
(and I think that would be considered a frame, so fix it eh)
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Hi Aaron,
Way to make things hard on me:)
I like #1 myself but I so wish I had gotten more of the wires that really bugs me.
If I can reshoot this I will try and get more of the wires.
Thanks for your input.
HA! I don't think you need to go back to the drawing board at all!
Thank you Tatiana--It may just stay at two if I can't reshoot.
I agree I ilke #1 myself, just wish I had gotten more of the wires---
THanks for commenting--I will try and edit #2 further and get rid of the vignette.
On a side note, ANYONE KNOW IF AN LCD SCREEN ON A 42 INCH FLAT SCREEN TV CAN BE REPAIRED? Came home from work today and it appears my two year old threw something at it and now there is a starburst on it and lines all over the place.
I was thinking the same thing about #2 when I first opened this thread. I pictured the building in the BG as an old school building that had seen many miles of the abuse put on those old Chuck's.
I don't really think you can go wrong with either.
i like #2 because of the background. looks most like a cityscape to me, and that's where i associate shoes on wires. nice effect! is there any way to play with the perspective? selective color on the shoes?
it would also be interesting if the sneakers were brand new!!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
BIG OUCH on the TV!!!