Advice on wireless photo frame for grandparents...
Hello -
We're looking to find a nice digital photo frame to give to our grandparents, so they can see plenty of pics of their grandkids.
I looked through the other posts here and found one about non-wireless frames, but didn't see one for wireless ones. Here's the feature set we have in mind:
1. size: 10-inch is probably ideal, up to 12-ish inches is okay, but probably not much smaller (remember, they're grandparents so their eyesight isn't so great anymore!)
2. adding photos: basically, i would like it so they have to do nothing at all. i'd like to be able to add photos to their frame and ideally also control removal of photos on their frame. i've read a bit about some frames supporting smugmug via rss or also a service called framechannel, which sound like they'd probably do what i need. ideally, i'd love to be able to just email photos to an address which would then get transferred automatically to their frame. alternatively, i'd be okay with managing a special smugmug gallery that has photos that would show up on their frame. any suggestions on how best to configure/manage this would be appreciated, as well.
3. resolution: seems like people think 800x600 is minimum for a 10-inch frame, so that's fine.
4. picture quality: overall, i'd like the screen quality to be quite good (decent viewing angle, bright, etc).
thanks in advance!
We're looking to find a nice digital photo frame to give to our grandparents, so they can see plenty of pics of their grandkids.

1. size: 10-inch is probably ideal, up to 12-ish inches is okay, but probably not much smaller (remember, they're grandparents so their eyesight isn't so great anymore!)
2. adding photos: basically, i would like it so they have to do nothing at all. i'd like to be able to add photos to their frame and ideally also control removal of photos on their frame. i've read a bit about some frames supporting smugmug via rss or also a service called framechannel, which sound like they'd probably do what i need. ideally, i'd love to be able to just email photos to an address which would then get transferred automatically to their frame. alternatively, i'd be okay with managing a special smugmug gallery that has photos that would show up on their frame. any suggestions on how best to configure/manage this would be appreciated, as well.
3. resolution: seems like people think 800x600 is minimum for a 10-inch frame, so that's fine.
4. picture quality: overall, i'd like the screen quality to be quite good (decent viewing angle, bright, etc).
thanks in advance!
…but my first questions would be:
1) How "computer literate" are your grandparents?
2) How would they maintain/upload pictures into frame?
I've only taken a quick look at the technology; I'm sure the price is coming down, and the features are becoming more numerous, and the use is getting easier…
…as I said, great idea!
Good luck, and let us know how you get on!
- Wil
BTW - Welcome to DGPF!
i'd say not very...that's why i'd like a system that basically i manage and they just view.
ideally they wouldn't...i'd upload/maintain (via email, smugmug gallery, etc). from the little bit i've read, that seems like it should be doable.
Have you seen this thread?:
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
i hadn't seen that thread...thanks for the reference. after reading it, though, it seems quite dated...the last new recommendation was from september 2008. and there seem to be several wireless frames on the market (hp, pandigital) that weren't discussed there -- maybe they're relatively new.
i just figured that someone probably went through this same process for a holiday gift and was thinking i'd piggyback on their research.