Blind fox
Here is a fox we ran across on a boat trip to a barrier island in coastal North Carolina. He was just minding his business and let us get pretty close to him. It looks to me that he is blind in one eye. You can see that it is bluish and foggy looking. Maybe that is why he was easy to sneak up on?
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
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He definately looks blind in that one eye. I doubt very seriously that's why you were able to get as close as you did. He is either.... 1) very, very cold 2) used to people 3) or the most evil of all scenarios, the poor little fella has succumbed to the ill beginning effects of rabies. I say "beginning effects" because if it was full blown, he would have likely been agressive.
I do an awful lot of hunting and believe you me, they get EXTREMELY strange behavior when they've contracted the disease. Rescued one turning circles in traffic one day, only to be put down of course. Had another spot me from across a cut corn field....and walked to within 10yds of me. It didn't end well for either one of us. :cry