Real Estate photography prices?

I've been doing some of this for just one realtor, going off of what one other realtor/friend told me was the going rate ($300 for a whole house, interior and exterior). Now my realtor wants to negotiate prices for different levels of property value.
Can anyone share their rates? I realize location matters, but it would help to get any info.
obligatory eye candy:
Can anyone share their rates? I realize location matters, but it would help to get any info.
obligatory eye candy:

An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
This guy only charges $150 for a 3000sf house:
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Somewhere on here there's a thread about discounting prices and selling yourself cheap. My recommendation is that you don't do it. If a realtor wants to take their own crappy photos - that's their loss and their clients'. Your time, efforts etc. are worth money - same as theirs. You are NOT on commission - that's their problem. And realistically - how may gzillion dollar homes are there out there vs. normal, modestly priced places? 'nuff said.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Relators are paid a percentage of the home value, so why not use that (say 0.5% of the sale value), w/a minimum charge of ~$200. If you get lots of business from someone, give them a lower minimum charge.
The people who think you should charge based on the amount of effort expended just don't get it.