#41 suggestions appreciated
New Dgrinner here.
When I read about the challenge last week I immediately thought of this tree in town which has been being covered in shoes over the last 15 years. I have been trying to wrap my head around how to shoot this. Issues are it is in a canyon area and only gets light in the morning, has a large retaining wall on one side with road traffic and a hotel directly next to it on the other side. I thought of doing a short DoF to get one or two pairs to be in focus with others in the background, but am not sure.
Here are some shots I took with my point and shoot this morning in -2 degree(f) frigidness to help come up with ideas. The last few days have been overcast so I didn't bother looking but the next few days are supposed to be clear.
Any ideas? I would rather just use an original shot and not play with it in Photoshop other than for cropping.
Thanks for taking the time to look and comment.

When I read about the challenge last week I immediately thought of this tree in town which has been being covered in shoes over the last 15 years. I have been trying to wrap my head around how to shoot this. Issues are it is in a canyon area and only gets light in the morning, has a large retaining wall on one side with road traffic and a hotel directly next to it on the other side. I thought of doing a short DoF to get one or two pairs to be in focus with others in the background, but am not sure.
Here are some shots I took with my point and shoot this morning in -2 degree(f) frigidness to help come up with ideas. The last few days have been overcast so I didn't bother looking but the next few days are supposed to be clear.
Any ideas? I would rather just use an original shot and not play with it in Photoshop other than for cropping.
Thanks for taking the time to look and comment.

Try getting underneath, close to the trunk and see what you can come up with.
This tree is something to behold--what great subject matter. This particular challenge has your name all over it--having said that, I think you will have to reshoot because I know you can get better shots. What time did you shoot these?
Can you go wider and closer and include the entire tree?
I can't give you tips, I'm not a very technical person.
Also (and maybe it's just me) that one pair of crocks in neon yellow (2nd shot) kind of breaks up the photo for me, i keep staring at it.
Sorry I can't give you more--but I will say that I think you have to keep working this.
Welcome to dgrin.
I like #3, because there is a single subject, but there is already a photo of shoes hanging from a wire, so I would probably not use it myself for this challenge. Similar ideas take something away from each other.
Great subject matter! Go take about a hundred shots today from all different angles. Then see which you like best. Then go back tomorrow and take another hundred from the angles you liked best.
For the challenges, I will usually start out with 3 or 4 ideas and choose the one that I am best able to execute on. Then I'll work on the best idea for a while. Then sometimes, I'll throw it out and start on something completely new on Saturday night before the end of the challenge.
BTW, welcome and I love your name, also. Stick around and it will probably become untrue.
You have a great opportunity here. BTW, I found one of these shoe trees in one of our city parks the other day and I took some shots. Does anyone know what the significance is? They were mainly sneakers and it's near a walking/running trail, if that means anything. It made me very curious.
I won't try to use that shot either, since you're already doing it.
Good luck!
Lauren Blackwell
I like your first shot b/c it gives a sense of space. I like the vertical angle and would suggest shooting more of it. Don't rule out a cloudy day. It might bring some of the colors to life (altho I'd avoid having the yellow pair in the foreground.)
Nice idea.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Lauren, fyi it can mean a few things--sometimes it's called "shoefitti" as in grafitti with shoes--it is seen many times in urban areas for different reasons, the most prevalent being demarcation of gang territory.
In my neighborhood it's a bunch of skateboarding kids that do it. My husband recalls (he has lived in this neighborhood his whole life) that they were thrown up on the last day of school when he was younger. But I've seen some other areas where they do it around me, and maybe it is gangs, I've heard they have started to sprout nearby.
I'm sure there are more meanings, but that's some.
— Kevin
Oh, and welcome to DGrin and the challenges.
My Site, My Book
Welcome to the playground
I personally like the first one - very fun.
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Lauren Blackwell
I had just a few minutes yesterday on my way to do something else and only had my P&S with me and was trying to gain a direction to go for the next visit. I only had on a pair of sneakers and was getting cold and wet feet traipsing around in a foot of snow. Today wont be it as it is very flat light. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny again and I have no work planned so I will attempt to take those 100 shots and see if I can make anything work. I will also wear the right 'shoes' for the job!
Thanks again for everyone's help. I can see these challenges being seriously fun and a great way to make me get out and shoot.
And a quick Google search returned these:
My Smugmug
Lauren Blackwell