Is that your best price on the Sigma 105? I really don't need the nikon extender.
Thanks for asking. I got a PM yesterday from a fellow Dgrinner that advised me I was a tad high, so I understand your query. I typically try to keep my for sale prices in range of acceptability, and very often have them priced to sell.
I felt it was of benefit that it had been tried and found to be superb without the hassle of sending one back to get another, et cetera.
Also the price is including shipping, insurance and paypal fees.
I ought to have suggested folks here PM me, That is what I do if I have an offer to make to someone.
I sent it over to the "Bay", but would end it early for the right number.
Hey Cap, Tom has already answered your question above, and asked that any offers come via PM.
Hey Doc...NO he didn't answer my question. Read it again. I asked if that was his best price on the Sig 105. He never said yes or no...all he said was he would be willing to end it early for the right price...I offered him $400. Yes he did mention PM's. For that, I'm sorry to take up valuable thread space.
PM sent.
I felt it was of benefit that it had been tried and found to be superb without the hassle of sending one back to get another, et cetera.
Also the price is including shipping, insurance and paypal fees.
I ought to have suggested folks here PM me, That is what I do if I have an offer to make to someone.
I sent it over to the "Bay", but would end it early for the right number.
thanks for asking~
PM sent.
Yes, please PM me with offer's. Which means $450 is not my bottom dollar.
Yes it is on the "Bay" and yes it is already being bid on. As is the other lens.
PM replied to.