RAW Therapee 3.0 Alpha released

RAW Therapee 3.0 Alpha has been released. (Alpha release means the developer has just started working on the software. It is not stable or free of errors.)
The author has also released the source code as GPL.
Main changes are greatly revised user interface, batch operation and soon to be significant changes to demosaicing and noise treatments.
It's still freeware. :clap
The author has also released the source code as GPL.
Main changes are greatly revised user interface, batch operation and soon to be significant changes to demosaicing and noise treatments.
It's still freeware. :clap
I haven't downloaded the alpha yet. What do you think of it?
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
Win XP opens 2 screens now. One screen is an old DOS style text screen. (Probably only temporary and probably not in a final release.)
Be careful not to use on a directory that has older version profiles (pp2 files). The new version does not properly understand and will lock up the application.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Got bored with digital and went back to film.