Elements 7 and Windows 7
I have elements 7 on my xp with aproximatly 25000 images cataloged. I am in the process of insuring that all the images are moved to my external hard drive. Then what? There has to be more than just loading it up on the new computer. Is there a file on my current computer that contains the catalog information? I have read that my XP version will run on Windows 7. Help please, I am in desperate need of faster processing.
Since no one has relied to you I thought I'd give you shout.
You need to backup your catlalog (Click File, Backup to CD, DVD,Harddrive) FROM YOUR OLD COMPUTER. If you have a enough room on on hard drive, then backup your catalog to the hard drive, else CD or DVD. Connect your hard drive to your new computer and install PSE software. Then RESTORE your catalog.
Sorry, I should have added, use the full backup option, since this the 1st time you are backing up your catalog. In the furture, do a incermental backup. Make sure you keep your full backup catalog.