suing people for stealing your work QUESTION

If somebody steal photo and work from you to built his business behind your back, and than one day you discover the masquerade and you decide to sue this person, what could possibly happening to him or her, how much damages and punishment he could receive and how much money he could have to pay at the end of a prosecution?
Any experts in the domain?
Thank you, Mika
Any experts in the domain?
Thank you, Mika
Comments & smugmug
Seek out Canadian law.
Good Luck!
Let us know how you make out.
-- a fellow Canadiabn
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Actually i'm French (from France not Quebec) living in Montreal.....Sir i asking in fact if such thing happen to an unlucky photographer in the US if he sue the guy what's happenning to this criminal , because that happening right now to one of my colleague in Paris and he just start suing this person, i know what's gone happen in France, but i was just curious of what could happen in USA, that's all.
Thank, Mika
Michael Bastia (MB) Photographie Web Site :lust
Thank you Snowgirl i gone check PPoC, but i'm more curious of what could happen in the USA because i know for sure they take things allot more seriously than Europe or Canada about photography Copy Rights .
Michael Bastia (MB) Photographie Web Site :lust
Damage awards are most often tied to percentages of loss or loss of potential usage. Amounts can run into the tens of thousands of dollars depending on many factors such as the notoriety of the photographer, familiarity of the subject matter and/or the severity of the copyright breach.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I know, that's why when you take a picture of a private properties such (animal, house or building) you have to have all the time on you some release form or contract to be signed, but here is not the problem, i want to know about stealing photographs intentionally.
Michael Bastia (MB) Photographie Web Site :lust
Tank you Angelo, i have ear about Digimarc to protect and track your photos on the web, what do you thing about this technology of invisible digital watermark, is it really protecting your photos from being stolen?
Michael Bastia (MB) Photographie Web Site :lust
I'm not well versed enough on the technology to comment. Perhaps someone else will have useful information.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots