Advice for flash use in large facility (580EXII)
I just saw photo's of the faciltiy where I'll be shooting a wedding in a couple of months. The place has very high ceilings and appears to be wooden, so bouncing options don't look good. There are some windows, so hopefully it won't be too dark. I'm looking for advice on flash use. I have 2 580EXII's and a ST-E2 transmitter. I'll be using a 7D, so I should be able to get away with pretty high ISO's.
My first thought was to put one of the speedlites on a monopod (with a stoffen or fong) and have my assistant holding it above the targets. What are your thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Here's a pic of the facility I got from the website.

My first thought was to put one of the speedlites on a monopod (with a stoffen or fong) and have my assistant holding it above the targets. What are your thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Here's a pic of the facility I got from the website.

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Canon small flash master, Syl Arena, found an extending paint poll at home depot, paired with a Kasey pole adapter, and the rest is history. I've seen photos of David Hobby (strobist) using it, and McNally's travels with about six of these paint poles and usually pairs with them an ezsoftbox.
I have that setup and it works amazingly well. This particular extension pole is VERY smooth and fast. Comparatively, this setup makes a monopod setup very slow and clumsy, it also doesn't have the longer reach that the paint pole has.
What's the verdict???????????'s going to be interesting. There's a lot of space with a warm, dramatic light feel to it. (I'll post a couple of snapshots tonight) I think ambient light will be the best choice. Since they are obviously paying for the atmosphere, it wouldn't be a good idea to blow out the ambience with a lot of flash. Fortunately, I'll have a chance to practice with a little fill flash at the rehearsal the night before.
Thanks for the link!