WTT: My Nikon F3HP, MD4, etc..., for a Nikon D100 + battery grip, or D200

I'm looking to trade my Nikon F3HP 35mm Professional-grade MF film camera, along with a Nikon MD4 motordrive, a Nikon Nikkor 50mm f/2 AI Lens, a Tokina AT-X 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5 macro AIS Lens, a Tokina SZ-X 70-210mm f/4-5.6 macro AI Lens, a Nikon SB-12 TTL Speedlight, and a Nikon SB-16A TTL Speedlight,, for a "low-mileage" Nikon D200 digital camera. There are also alot of "extras" that I'll toss in with a good trade. I would also trade all for a "low mileage" Nikon D100 with Nikon battery grip.
I would also sell all of this equipment for the "right price"...Make me an offer.
All of this equipment is in excellent condition, cosmetically, electronically, & mechanically, with no signs of abuse or excessive use. If interested, I can email a photo of this equipment to you.
I will only trade in the western USA. If interested in a trade, please contact me via email at: glockman99@hotmail.com or via phone at: 1-(360)-532-5702, and I'll get back with you promptly.
Thanks for looking.
I would also sell all of this equipment for the "right price"...Make me an offer.
All of this equipment is in excellent condition, cosmetically, electronically, & mechanically, with no signs of abuse or excessive use. If interested, I can email a photo of this equipment to you.
I will only trade in the western USA. If interested in a trade, please contact me via email at: glockman99@hotmail.com or via phone at: 1-(360)-532-5702, and I'll get back with you promptly.
Thanks for looking.
Aberdeen, WA USA
Sorry, but having all the other items (MD4, 2 "F3" Speedlights, etc...) wouldn't do me much good without the F3 body, so it has to be an "all or nothing" sale.
Aberdeen, WA USA
Aberdeen, WA USA
Actualy, I wouldn't mind having another D100/MB-D100 combo, but I still really want a D200...MAYBE there is someone out here who can help a guy out...
I'd also trade for a "low-mileage" Nikon D-70s, with a 50-200mm AF-S lens, or something in that focal-range...
Aberdeen, WA USA