Color Checkers

Are they worth it without having a calibrated monitor? In general I think my monitor portrays colors pretty well even if not truly calibrated. Prints I have ordered have arrived as expected. I have found myself getting frustrated with my color profiles because on some images I just cannot for the life of me get the colors to look right. It seems appealing to be able to create my own profiles for specific conditions and lenses.
Thanks in advance for any input on the matter!
Thanks in advance for any input on the matter!
SM has some good stuff here
and a printable color checker here
One catchall would be nice, wouldn't it? Thanks for the links!
My Photographic Adventures
Nikon D7000 | 10-20 | 50 | 55-200
'as expected', is that "exactly as your monitor displayed"? And is that when you printed 'true' when using SmugMug's printing service for instance? & smugmug