Best place for backdrops and strobes
We no loger have a place locally to purchase. Can anyone tell me a great place online that you know and trust to purchase backdrops and strobes?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks in advance!
~~~Kelly Renee
Moments Captured by Kelly Renee
Moments Captured by Kelly Renee
For paper, I get it locally to avoid shipping on a 9' roll.
As for strobes, B&H carries almost everything (except Alien Bees which you get from the manufacturer).
Allien bees are my favorite for strobes and softboxes. setting up a softbox from them is a breeze. Much easier than a lot of soft boxes on the market.
In this great big world around us, we will find what we are looking for! What we do with it is up to us to decide.
Olympus E-500 Olympus E-520 Zuiko 14-45 Zuiko 40-150 Sigma 50-500 Zuiko 18-180 4-AB800 strobes, 1AB-400 stobe, 4 softboxes, brolly box, umbrellas etc.
For backdrops I always go with Aura Backdrops, They are a lot less expensive than denny and I think they are better quality.
Also have heard really good things about and
As for lighting....anything from the Paul C Buff group....whether it is Alein Bees, or White Lightning.....all of his products are good and the customer service is uncomparably great!!!!
Been a White Lightning user for well over 20 yrs.........nextime around for studio lighting I am thinking Paul Buff White Lightning Einsteins......but want to see what the reviews are for a few months and see how they rate....if not them then Alien Bee 1600 or another WL set maybe the 3200's........I know Iwant power to burn.....:D
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Adorama has a decent selection of house brand (Flashpoint) strobes and accessories reasonable prices.
Another not well known line of strobes are made by Sunpak. I have been using a big Sunpak 400ws studio strobe with a 48" x 36" Chimera Softbox for years. The strobe is an excellent unit. They are also carried by Adorama.
However, for some really bare bones, low priced units; the older White Lightning WL5,000 and WL10,000 units are quite good. I have been using a pair of WL5,000 units bounced into umbrellas for my dog portraiture and they work great. They are also pretty decent for people portraiture using umbrellas also.
You can often pick up the WL5,000 units for around $50 each used on eBay. Their prices hold pretty well. I bought mine for $50 each about twenty years ago and have used the heck out of them over those years. These older White Lightning "Coffee Can" units are like the Energizer Bunny; they just keep going and going.