issues loading actions in PSE HELP!

I have down loaded actions into my PSE in the past.. done everything I've been told to do and then some... I have three files
thumb. atn. and png files. Im loading them into my photo effects file.. I just loaded brushes without any problems but I have not been able to load actions in sometime.
renamed the metadata file
restarted the computer
reset preferances
made sure all files had the same name "yada yada atn." "yada yada png."
I don't get it.. anyone??
thumb. atn. and png files. Im loading them into my photo effects file.. I just loaded brushes without any problems but I have not been able to load actions in sometime.
renamed the metadata file
restarted the computer
reset preferances
made sure all files had the same name "yada yada atn." "yada yada png."
I don't get it.. anyone??
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My rambling addiction: Crunchy Monkeys
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My rambling addiction: Crunchy Monkeys
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