Big issue with smugmug intregration within Showit site!

Big issue at least for me, i have wrote it to them about it:
"you must at least update the smugmug integration like that: we have to enter email and password to enter into our smugmug account within showit, that is a serious problem, i have pick a guys user name (who i don't know at all) and voilà his photos on my site, at the time everybody talking issue about copyright, stealing photo, and bad guys taking credit from others's just have to be upgraded and the quickly you can.........Question: Smugmug, they know about it???"
you will notice i have some major issue with them but my biggest concern is their smugmug integration which is not secure at all for our smugmug photo integrity, it doesn't ask us to enter any email and password!!!!!!!!!!. Even poeple around the world whohave just a Showit site account even any smugmug account cant in 1 or 2 click put your photographs and take the credit of those from you guys, and you know what it mean: poeple around the globe in fact can steal you photos, reputation, integrity, your credit, your copy right, potentially your clientele so the result a the end this in fact your money in the stealer pocket and without you even never notice it......BRAVO showit, and wait, it getting sweet when they answer to me, go see it:
[URL="[/URL] a little beat up on the page.
and also this link, the last thread in the bottom:
For me this is a big deal but if for smugmug and their pro user this is ok so i don't know what i could say anymore.
Thank you very much for you attention.Mika.
"you must at least update the smugmug integration like that: we have to enter email and password to enter into our smugmug account within showit, that is a serious problem, i have pick a guys user name (who i don't know at all) and voilà his photos on my site, at the time everybody talking issue about copyright, stealing photo, and bad guys taking credit from others's just have to be upgraded and the quickly you can.........Question: Smugmug, they know about it???"
you will notice i have some major issue with them but my biggest concern is their smugmug integration which is not secure at all for our smugmug photo integrity, it doesn't ask us to enter any email and password!!!!!!!!!!. Even poeple around the world whohave just a Showit site account even any smugmug account cant in 1 or 2 click put your photographs and take the credit of those from you guys, and you know what it mean: poeple around the globe in fact can steal you photos, reputation, integrity, your credit, your copy right, potentially your clientele so the result a the end this in fact your money in the stealer pocket and without you even never notice it......BRAVO showit, and wait, it getting sweet when they answer to me, go see it:
[URL="[/URL] a little beat up on the page.
and also this link, the last thread in the bottom:
For me this is a big deal but if for smugmug and their pro user this is ok so i don't know what i could say anymore.
Thank you very much for you attention.Mika.
Just so you can rest assured our SmugMug integration is fully safe and secure.
If your photos are open to the public on SmugMug then they will also be open to the public on Showit. If you want to lock them down then use one of SmugMug's great features to put a watermark on the images or put a password on them.
"A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success."
I thank you, it's very funny, it been a time i was desperately in need of help and real answer to my XXXXXmultiple issue with showit site, you had several chances to seriously help me and for mysterious reasons you haven't guys......
Anyway, To answer you shortly about on the subject, i would ask you that, why all the companies smugmug have a partnerchip force us to enter a password and email to enter on any of their smugmug integration but not you (Showit), so what it became?, "THE SMUGMUG PHOTOGRAPHS GONE WILD ON SHOWIT"?
I had letting pass alot of issue with showit but i'm sorry not this one, it's will be my very last word with you directly DJ, now i wait to hear what people of smugmug community have to say about it....!!!
PS: have tried yesterday to put some some of the smugmug users photos on my web site this is symple as 2 or 3 click 1 username copy and pass, and the magy is done smugmug innocent users picture live on my site....
Fortunatly i'm not this kind of bad guys, but have you knone all your 12 000 costumers personnatly DJ ?
So smugmug how do you feel about it?
Michael Bastia (MB) Photographie Web Site :lust
"A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success."
anytime i can do a screen video to prove you that anybody around the world even they don't need a full Showit account, they just have to download the software for free with a fake email account, subscribing to showit, enter in the software put a style groupe with slideshow and galleries, go on click what ever photos they like, go on the poor user site, pick his username and even he doesn't display it they can go on his source-page and pick it very easely at many place in the code, go back on showit, select smugmug in the galleries setting put the poor guys username, publish and voilà YOUR PHOTO in their website,
it' not even stealing photos, i would call that literatly rent your photos for free.
go a head step up, express yourself about a big time issue:
the integrity and security and your precious photographs
Michael Bastia (MB) Photographie Web Site :lust
I don't see the problem here. If my images are online, then I've accepted the risk that someone else may try and copy them. There's always something they can do, whether it be a screen capture, delving through the source, etc.
That is why I only do limited things to protect my images - they are watermarked via SM, and the originals aren't available to anyone (except for certain private galleries). If someone wants to pass off an image as their own, well, then they get to contend with the law.
Now, specific to ShowIt, the only place I could find that integrated into SM was after I created an account, and started to build a site. Then I could authorize to my SM account - which is how several other sites do it, btw (see MyCanvas) which means yes, it has access to my private files. But I had to log into SM to do it (or, in my case, I was already logged in), and wouldn't be able to authorize to anyone else's account without knowing their username AND their password. So I fail to see the security risk here...
That said, what you describe (assuming I'm understanding you correctly; I must admit to having a problem with that) is possible anywhere. As long as your photo is public, I can copy it and pass it off as my own on ANY site, not just ShowIt. It's not something specific to them -- this is just the way the web works. Any sense of security regarding passwords and authorization for images you've made public really doesn't exist. A public image is just that -- something that is public, you've let it out there for everyone to see, including those people who might copy it and pass it off as their own.
Anyway - my opinion: not a big deal.
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Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
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Hi PK thank you.
Michael Bastia (MB) Photographie Web Site :lust