Newby posting photos from new camera
Here are some photos I have taken of my girls with my new D90. Photography used to be a hobby, now it is becoming an obsession. My skill level is still pretty low, but boy what a difference a great camera can make. Thanks in advance for any C&C!
Your daughters are adoreable!!!
All the shots appear to be in need of more post processing work based on what I am seeing here on my crappy work computer. Some are over exposed and other under exposed. What are you using at this time for you PP?
Good start, have fun and enjoy!
18 - 55 kit lens
55- 200 VR kit lens
Lots of desires
Actually, these are pretty much straight out the camera except for a little red-eye reduction on a couple of shots. I have downloaded Picasa on my cheap laptop I have at home and I have PS CS2 loaded on my office computer. I don't get a whole lot of extra time to do much tweeking on the photos with 2 active girls, plus I'm not all that adept at using PS to begin with. Trying to learn though. I think the one real bright shot with the pink sweaters is from the built-in flash. I'm trying to save up for the Nikon SB900. I'm also signing up for a photography class at the local technical college. Any suggestions on PP will be greatly appreciated. Oh, and thanks for the comment. I am deffinitely going to be in trouble in about 10 more years with these 2!!
What you see depends on what you're looking for.