*NSFW* Bruni vs Humyova
Hey guys, I just found this image and thought it was pretty cool 
The lighting and body types are very similiar!

The lighting and body types are very similiar!
I have moved this to 'Go Figure'.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I say no comparison...the original is WAY better in all aspects. The models have similar shape...but the challenge image manages to make the model look clunky and too long of limb. The key to the original image is that flat foot, which makes the pose oh so very vulnerable, and makes the models shoulders an sinuous shape keeping those elbows in line. Bruni's vacant unconnected stare through the camera is classic, and adds to the exposed vulnerability of the model. The lighting of the Comte image is stark, it leaves VERY little in shadow but emphasizes the cheeks with a beauty dish kind of feel. Comte's lighting lays bare the soul of the model. The other image has 3D light, and flatters the model, but the pose, light, and connection don't come together to say anything. Just my opinion.
I don't know, I like both for different reasons
Yes, absolutely. The Hegre image completely misses the point of the original.
My impession is that Hegre is basically about soft-core porn. If that's "pure art", then so is a Playboy centerfold.
Got bored with digital and went back to film.